Ever struggle with the fundamentals of investing? Our roundtable team of award winning bloggers Len Penzo, Paula Pant and Greg McFarlane join us to discuss some of the terms many take for granted. …
Is It Time To Buy Real Estate?
New data shows that people in the housing market might get some relief. Should you go out and get one today based on this news. We kick off the show with a story from Greg that sounds like we're about …
Where Do Quirky Investments Fit In Your Portfolio? (with Katie Brewer)
Is there a place in your portfolio for quirky investments? What if you're interested in solar projects or obesity medicines? Should you niche your portfolio down to include those items? CFP Katie …
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Money Habits That Waste Your Time (with M1 Finance’s Brian Barnes)
Not all money habits are good...and today Nyle Bayer from the Financial Time Traveler podcast joins Greg McFarlane to name a few of their favorites. We also cover an article in Barron's about stock …
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Our Best Money Advice For Graduates
What is the best financial advice a graduate should hear? Dorethia Kelly from The Money Chat joins Greg McFarlane and Len Penzo to tackle exactly that topic and more. We also discuss Uber's plans to …
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The Changing Risks of Retirement (with Jordan Goodman)
Three great themes today: retirement planning, subscriptions and hate letters from people who watch the market too much. Fun? Heck yeah! Jordan Goodman from MoneyAnswers.com joins Paula Pant and Greg …
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