What happens when you're booted from your company? Jordan Harbinger found out firsthand. The former host of popular and award winning Art of Charm podcast tells us his story and then we talk about …
A Beginner’s Guide to Stocks (with Chuck Jaffe)
Ever wonder whether individual stock investing is for you? Chuck Jaffe, host of Money Life with Chuck Jaffe, joins us to talk about the differences between investing in individual companies and in …
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Surviving a Timeshare Sales Pitch (with Holly & Greg Johnson)
We've heard countless horror stories about high pressure time share sales presentations. Holly and Greg Johnson (Club Thrifty) took up IHG on a lucrative offer in Orlando to stay for a small fee if …
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Tweaking Your Portfolio For Better Returns (with Matt Hall)
Can you tweak your investments to perform better? Matt Hall, author of Odds On, the Making of an Evidence Based Investor says that you can...and without betting on individual stocks or risky asset …
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Communication, Longevity & Gender Differences (with Jean Chatzky)
How are women different investors than men? Jean Chatzky joins us to talk longevity, communication, investing strategy and gender differences on today's show. Also, we share headlines about a …
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