Today the star of the show is YOU! We're answering your questions about the right way to invest in bonds (that'll go well), goal setting, retirement plan over-contributions, and more! Plus, we'll …
Should I Move My 401k to a Roth IRA? (Your Letters)
You have money in an old 401k and would prefer to have that money in your Roth IRA. Should you make that move? How do you accomplish that goal? That's one of the many letters we tackle on today's …
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Battle of the Sexes: Who’s the Better Investor?
Are men or women better investors? We'll find out today...but who cares? Regardless, don't you want to emulate the traits of the BEST investors? Alexandra Taussig from Fidelity Investments joins us to …
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Maybe Money DOES Grow on Trees
Maybe mom was wrong and money DOES grow on trees. Cara MacMillen thinks so, and she stops by the basement to explain why on today's show! Also, we have a disturbing headline about hackers. Keith …