What financial mistakes could you have avoided? Most of us learned personal finance the hard way, by stumbling through life without training and learning from our mistakes. Unfortunately, most schools don’t have a personal finance class that teaches students about budgeting, saving, or what the word “taxes” actually means. Peter Lazaroff is chief investment officer at Plancorp and a CFP® who shares our passion for personal financial literacy. He’s here today (don’t tell OG, he might get jealous) to share his first experiences with money AND how you can make money topics more simple for yourself and those around you. He also shares some of the golden personal finance basics we should all familiarize ourselves with, and dishes out resources to help us all further our own financial education.
During our headline segment, we dive into ETFs. A seasoned firm is entering the game (better late than never!) of ETFs years after their competitors. We talk about active vs passive funds and the future of the ETF industry. We’re also answering Dave’s question about reward credit cards. Are they really as good as they sound? And of course, Doug will share his amazing trivia.
Our Headlines
- AllianceBernstein makes late push into ETFs (Investment News)
- Active ETFs catch the eye of RIAs and big funds, too (Investment News)
Peter Lazaroff
Big thanks to Peter Lazaroff for joining us today. Grab a copy of his book Making Money Simple: The Complete Guide to Getting Your Financial House in Order and Keeping It That Way Forever.
Just for our listeners, Peter is giving away 100 copies of his book for free! Just go to peterlazaroff.com/freebook to claim your copy. Thank you, Peter!
Watch the full interview with Peter below:
Doug’s Trivia
- From a recent Credit Karma survey, what percentage of people anonymously admitted that they cheated on their taxes?
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Dave is thinking about getting a rewards credit card and wants to know if it’s worth it and what to watch out for.
Want more than just the show notes? How about our new newsletter with STACKS of related, deeper links?
- Check out The 201, our email that comes with every Monday and Wednesday episode, PLUS a list of more than 19 of the top money lessons Joe’s learned over his own life about money. From credit to cash reserves, and insurances to investing, we’ll tackle all of these. Head to StackingBenjamins.com/the201 to sign up (it’s free and we will never give away your email to others).
Other Mentions
- Learn to Earn: A Beginner’s Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business by Peter Lynch
- One Up on Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Market by Peter Lynch
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
How about additional tools and interviews on related topics? Check out these past podcast episodes and blog posts!
- Want to hear more about active management? Phil Bak and Jamie Wise ran two companies and shared their thoughts with us.
- If you’re thinking about getting a credit card, check out these tips to avoid ruining your credit score.
Written by: Brooke Miller
Miss our last show? Listen here: What Lessons Can We Learn from Washington and Franklin About Money?
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