Maybe the key to achieving happiness doesn’t lie in being perfect (financially-speaking). Today we dive deep into striking the balance between channeling your inner Warren Buffett/Jack Bogle/Scrooge McDuck hybrid and channeling your inner Neighbor Doug at the special Summer Slam-Bingo-Ladies Night down at the Sizzler. Joining us on today’s special roundtable discussion are: the woman who’ll help you get out of being miserably in debt, award-winning author, Erin Skye Kelly; the guy who helps people be responsible with their future money, the host of the Inspired Money podcast, Andy Wang; and the Scrooge McDuck of this here podcast, OG.
In the second half of the show, sponsored by, we dig into how to make money a fun topic. Does being a mega tracker bring you anxiety? If so, maybe you should focus on putting savings first and then spending what’s left over.
Finally, be sure to stick around for Doug’s Benjamin stack-related trivia.
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Our Topic: A Few Word Description
Is Being “Good” with Money Making You Miserable? (Money with Katie)
During our conversation you’ll hear us mention:
- Reaching your “Ah-ha” moment (moving from blissfully unaware to financial awareness)
- The difference between true assets and liabilities
- Selective cost-cutting
- Achieving peace of mind by facing your true financial picture – the good and the bad
- How our life experiences create our internal money story we tell ourselves.
- Striking the healthy balance between frugality and earning more
- The importance of getting the big decisions right
- Put first things first in your financial order of priorities
- The role of tracking your income and expenses
- Controlling the big expense categories: housing, food, transportation
- How to overcome the stigma of “budgeting”
- The irrelevance of comparison to others
- Start investing as early as possible
- Keeping your expectations realistic
- Putting purpose to your financial goals
- All things Pokémon
Our Contributors
A big thanks to our contributors! You can check out more links for our guests below.
Erin Skye Kelly
Another thanks to Erin Skye Kelly for joining our contributors this week! Hear more from Erin on her show, Get the Hell Out of Debt at Get the Hell Out of Debt on Apple Podcasts.
Check out her hit books Get the Hell Out of Debt: The Proven 3-Phase Method That Will Radically Shift Your Relationship to Money and Naked Money Meetings: Ending Money Fights with Your Partner Forever
Andy Wang
Another thanks to Andy Wang for joining our contributors this week! Hear more from Andy on his show, Inspired Money at Inspired Money on Apple Podcasts.
For more on OG and his firm’s page, click here.
Doug’s Game Show Trivia
- If you were to build a stack of all the Benjamins that are currently in circulation, how tall would it be?
Thanks to for sponsoring Stacking Benjamins. is the #1 place to go when you’re looking to see if your rate is the BEST rate on savings, CDs, money markets, and even checking accounts! Check out ALL of the rates ranked from best to worst (and see the national averages) at
Mentioned in today’s show
- The Naked Money Meeting: Where Money and Communication Collide Ep 1407
- In Debt? Here’s How To Get The Hell Out
- The Easiest Budget to Follow – Shockingly Simple
- Inspired Money Makers – YouTube
Join Us on Monday!
Tune in on Monday when you’ll learn how to bust through mental blocks and lock on to success with mental performance coach, Brandon Epstein.
Miss our last show? Check it out here: How to score 8% on your money (and maybe regret it) (SB1524).
Written by: Kevin Bailey
Episode transcript
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- [00:42:52]Erin Skye Kelly:No, it’s not the, well, ours isn’t named afteranybody.[00:42:54]Erin Skye Kelly:But the problem with the TFSA is people think it’sa savings account. And so, so many people here ’cause of the sa Yeah, just likewith the Roth, they’ll transfer their money into it, but not actually purchaseaninvestment with it. Oh. So it’ll sit there just in cash and people will be like, Ihave A-T-F-S-A and then I’m like, you know what’s been the ROI?[00:43:10]Erin Skye Kelly:And then they look and they’re like, it’s actuallymade no money in 12 years.So I don’t love the name.[00:43:14]Joe:T-F-S-A-T-F-I-A. Yeah. Text free investment. It should be,[00:43:18]Erin Skye Kelly:yes, that’s what it should be called.[00:43:19]Joe:The second half of this podcast is called sponsored by You know why Aaron? Why? Because when you go to deposit,you said that very seriously because when you go to deposited,you find out that that brick and mortar bank that you’re at might not have thebest interest rate for your emergency fund.[00:43:37]Joe:In fact, you could compare more than 275,000 deposit ratesfrom over 11,000 banks of credit unions to it all for free. As we record this, thenational average on a savings account interest rate in the USA is 0.51%, abouthalf a percent, but if you’re in the top 1%, which is hundreds of banks, you’realmost at 5%, 4.9399999999999995%.[00:43:59]Joe:So you’re giving away about 4.5% by not being in the top 1%savings accounts, CDs, checking money markets,all@depositaccounts.comcompared to switch and save.Aaron, now that you’re good with money. Katietalks about how she likes a guy named Nick Majuli. Nick’s been on the show,how she likes Nick’s advice that maybe, you know, if it’s 0.01% of your networth, don’t be so judgy of yourself.[00:44:24]Joe:AndKatie goes, that’s kind of good advice. Like, give yourself,I’m gonna spend this amount of money and I just don’t care. You know, so I’mgonna maybe not track it, maybe not do whatever. She’s not completely therethough. Where do you, how do you, how doyou not drive yourself crazy andstill be good with money?
- [00:44:39]Erin Skye Kelly:Well, I think it’s, we have to just understand thatit’s not, money isn’t fun or not fun. It’s really up to you to decide if budgeting isfun. Like budgeting isn’t fun when you’re starting out and you’re stressed andyou’re learning, but you can make it fun. Spending can be fun. You, you have todecide, right?[00:44:55]Erin Skye Kelly:All that’s happening is we’re just living out a seriesof patterns, all of us, all the time. We’re just math equations essentially. And sowhen you can understand that. Looking back on your spending for the lastcouple months might be painful because it doesn’t have the result that you want.When you can kind of understand what’s been going on for you, and youunderstand a little bit about the psychology behind why you make the decisionsyou make, then you can recognize that all that you’ve been doing is just livingout a series of patterns.[00:45:18]Erin Skye Kelly:And so then going forward, you can choose tocreate new patterns or continue some of the patterns that you’ve got. And if thatmeans that spending in the past, you know, or you know, if you’re stressedabout money or you’re feeling like it’s too restrictive, well that just means that’sthe pattern that you’ve been living out.[00:45:34]Erin Skye Kelly:And so instead, now what’s a way we can create anew pattern? I think this is what she’s trying to get to eventually. She’s just notthere yet, but it’s like, what can we do nowto make this feel fun so that I canboth grow my wealth? Lemme tell you, I’ve been on both sides of this thing andeverybody who’s been on both sides of this says this.[00:45:51]Erin Skye Kelly:This is like one of the oldest phrases that’s beenaround,and I didn’t understand it before but I understand it now, is when peoplesay, money doesn’t buy you happiness. Everybody who’s rich is like, it’s sure alot better than being broke, right? It’s just a lot. Everybody who’s been thereunderstands that transition.[00:46:06]Erin Skye Kelly:So the happiness isn’t because of the money orbecause of the budgeting or whatever the happiness is because of what youchoose to find your happiness in. And so if the. Way you’ve been approachingmoney is stressful then. Yeah, I agree. Absolutely. Make those adjustments asyou need to make them. But then create a pattern that for you, like what isgonna feel like freedom and joy and happiness for you when it comes to moneyand is gonna achieve the ability for you to sustain that long term if you choosenot to work in the future and or create something for yourself now where youknow, so whether you automate it or whether you decide to be conscious about
- it doesn’t matter to me one way or another, as long as you’re getting the outcomethat you want.[00:46:42]Erin Skye Kelly:But if it’s a matter of, like you were saying, travelor food or in my case, chai tea lattes from Starbucks, right? It, it’s like there’s, Iget an unlimited amount of those. They bring me so much joy every time I drinkone, the first sip, especially, right? It’s magic. Why would I should or shamemyself when it comes to that if it’s bringing me joy.[00:47:02]Erin Skye Kelly:So I think you just have to look at like what arethe patterns of the spending that you’re doing that are allowing you to feel thisway and then just make those adjustments because it actually has nothing to dowith. The tracking of the money. It has to do with the patterns and therelationship and the psychology behind why you’re making the decisions you’remaking.[00:47:18]Joe:Andy, I think it’s easy to get behind what Aaron’s saying, but Ialso think that there’s this, you know, there’s this, this thing that it, it’s so hardfor people to change. Like there’s gotta be thispattern interrupt, right? This,this, like, I feel like smack over the head or this thing. Like if you know that youneed to change, you can tell yourself that all day.[00:47:35]Joe:And yet still every time that you know, you go spend the moneythat wasn’t in your budget and that’s what you think makes you good withmoney, you still freak out. Like how do you interrupt that pattern and make thatchange?[00:47:48]Speaker 6:Yeah. I think that you do have to take like a step backand define what type ofperson you are.[00:47:54]Speaker 6:And I think from reading the article, I think that Katie isa saver. Like she was doing pretty well. Oh yeah. Without paying attention towhere every dollar was going. And then she started kind of torturing herself.Seeing where every cent is going and feeling like, oh my gosh, if I, if I buy acoffee or if I buy this taco, that $5 could be worth how much, like in 40 years.[00:48:17]Speaker 6:So I think you have to know where you are. Like, areyou a saver? Are youa spender? Are you the avoider? Are you the planner?And kind of get an understanding of what are your strengths, what are yourweaknesses? What are the things that you need to change? Because then youcan start looking at the pattern interrupt and say, all right, well what is it that Ineed interrupting and what is it that I need to continue doing?
- [00:48:42]Speaker 6:I think when it comes to money, like it doesn’t have to beas complicated as most of us make it, right? I mean, there are books, there areblogs. There are. Podcasts and YouTube videos that we can watch. Butultimately, it boils down to some pretty fundamental principles, and if you boilit down to the basics, it’s just like spend within your means.[00:49:02]Speaker 6:Like don’t spend more than you make, and then thedollars that you’re saving. Have an emergency fund. Invest that money so thatit’s working for you while you’re sleeping. I think some of those basic lessons,like I’ve talked to many financial independents, retire early people on inspiredmoney in the process of trying to save as much money as possible.[00:49:23]Speaker 6:Like that can be stressful, but once they’ve accumulatedenough and achieve some level of financial independence. The funny thing isthat many of the people say that they, they actually think about money a lot lessthan they ever did. They’re like, once Iknow that I have enough, I’m actuallythinking about money.[00:49:44]Speaker 6:Not that frequently. Like that’s the goal. Like that’s, that’smoney Nirvana,[00:49:48]Doug:dude, I would start with your taco budget. You’re paying toomuch for tacos with five bucks a piece, man, you, you should be able to do ataco for like 205. I’m on the east coast, I gotta[00:49:55]Speaker 6:go to, uh, California or Mexico. Then I’ll be all set.[00:49:59]Joe:Doug gets all neurotic when he pays five bucks fora taco.[00:50:01]Speaker 6:I’m paying New York prices.[00:50:03]Joe:Yeah, that better be a really freaking big taco. Andy. It’s funnybecause, you know, you make me think of, uh, our contributor Paula, who’s nothere today, but Paula talks about like the anti budgett, right? Once you haveenough money and you’re gonna be okay, it’s set aside all the money that youknow, you need to reach your goal and just spend the rest.[00:50:20]Joe:Like, like, don’t worry about it. Just spend the rest. It soundslike you’re on that train.[00:50:24]Speaker 6:Yeah, I, I think that once you’re following certainprinciples and you’re not spending more than you earn, I think that’s true for
- most people. It’s much easier to think about today and tomorrow. It’s harder tothink 30 years into the future, but.[00:50:43]Speaker 6:You do have to have a balance where you’re living fortoday, because we don’t know how, like we don’t know how many years wehave ahead. So you do have to live in the moment, but at the same time, youneed to plan for the future. And you’re trying to walk that balance all the time.[00:50:57]Joe:Oh gee, I, I just get the feeling, you know, when somebody isthis neurotic person that Katie’s talking about, I think that they areoveremphasizing the currency of money, but they’re under emphasizing thecurrency of time.[00:51:12]Joe:Like, how do you get these super savers saving for a future wayover saving for a future that may never happen? ’cause we don’t know what’sgonna happen tomorrow. How do you help them change and maybe relax a littlebit and not be so miserable because of their good habit?[00:51:27]Speaker 4:I think that if you’re a really good saver, it’s very hard toturn into a really good spender.[00:51:32]Speaker 4:Andif you’re a really good spender, it’s hard to turn intoa really good saver. In both of those cases, you have to figure out ways to trickyourself to do the other thing, whether it’s forcing yourself to go on vacationwhen you’ve accumulated a certain amount of financial net worth, or if you’re areally good spender and you have to automate and force yourself to save moneyby setting up your 401k and setting up auto increases every six months so thatyou get to the spot where you’re, you know, you have to trick yourself into thebehavior that you wanna have or the outcome that you want while stillacknowledging, you know, the behavior and the person that you really are.[00:52:11]Speaker 4:You know, this really ultimately boils down to, I think,having a really good understanding of what it is that you’re trying to accomplishand having very crystal clear outcomes in mind. You know, when it, when,when you’re just blindly saving money with no particular outcome, you’re nevergonna have enough, because untilyou’re quite literally the richest person in theworld, there’s always somebody that has more than you.[00:52:36]Speaker 4:Just like we talk about investment performance and thatoutperformance of an index is not a financial goal. You know, your financialplan dictates the investment return that your portfolio needs to reach the goalsthat you want. Like who gives a crap what the s and p does? Now I think you
- gotta know that so that you can decide whether or not you’re in the sameballpark of what you should be expecting.[00:52:58]Speaker 4:But by the same token, like if you’re just comparing yourinvestment returns to an index, you’re never gonna be happy with that becausethat’s not a goal. Portfolio outperformance isn’t a goal. Just like accumulatingmoney for no purpose at the end of the day, is not a financial goal. And we seepeople who are hardcore into the fire movement and and really focused on, Ijust wanna accumulate money.[00:53:23]Speaker 4:I just wanna save money. I just wanna save money. I justwanna save it. And it’s like I always just say for what? What are you trying todo? Because once you can put a timeline on it and a dollar amount andsomething that is on the back end of it, now youcan figure out what you have todo on a day-to-Day basis to reach it.[00:53:39]Speaker 4:And then you know when you’re done, you know, youknow when you’ve accomplished it, and you can move on to the next thing, thenext inspiring thing that you wannawork on. I don’t understand why peoplewould want to, and I’ve said this before, like accumulate millions and millionsof dollars and never take their kids to Disney.[00:53:56]Speaker 4:Disney is the most. Ludicrous use of money in thehistory of mankind.[00:54:03]Speaker 6:Disney is not gonna be a sponsor.[00:54:07]Speaker 4:I think they would be a great sponsor because maybehe’s[00:54:09]Joe:saying to go though, Andy, he’s saying no. He’s saying to go,yeah, it’s expensive and worth it.[00:54:13]Speaker 4:I’m saying like. It’s so insanely expensive. I have, I,we’ve been a number of times, I have the same recurring Joe Joe drinks, theDisney Kool-Aid.[00:54:21]Speaker 4:I got all[00:54:22]Joe:the Kool-Aid in my cup. I’m showing people on YouTube. I’vegot a Disney Cup I’m drinking from, even
- [00:54:26]Speaker 4:I drink the Disney Kool-Aid. I have the recurringnightmare when we go to Disney that the bill is so thick they cannot stuff itunder the door, you know? ’cause in the old school minute school days, theyused to slide the bill under the door.[00:54:36]Speaker 4:You know,[00:54:37]Joe:it’s the bill more than 34 feet tall,[00:54:38]Speaker 4:and they have to knock on the door and wake me up atthree in the morning. And they’re like, here you go, sir. And it’s like in thispadded envelope. Like, oh my god, accurate kids. Get your stuff. We have tosneak out. You know, they’ll never catch us. Luckily they[00:54:50]Joe:only come close every time you’re there.[00:54:52]Joe:They come this close.[00:54:53]Speaker 4:Yeah. And now with the little magic band, you’re like,but ding, ding, but ding. But my point is, is that it’s a terrible useof money ifyou ask any if financial expert. Right. Should I go to Disney? Should I go stayat the such and such a resort and spend $150 a day times a family of five plus allthe food and trinkets and so of course not.[00:55:13]Speaker 4:It’s a terrible use of money. Now do it times five. ’causeyou’re there for a week. No, and then I have to travel and should I fly in thefront of the plane or the back of the plane? Oh my God. Are you kidding me?You know, this is a ridiculous Oh, you won’t go in the back with the heathens?No, of course not.[00:55:26]Doug:Good thing we don’t have experts on this show. Yeah.[00:55:28]Speaker 4:My point is, versus you’re 85 years old and you’ve nevertaken your kids or grandkids to, to Disney, but by God you’ve got 15 million inyour IRA. Aren’t you so successful? Look at how great I am. Look at howsuccessful I am. It’s like really? You didn’thave that time, you didn’t have thatexperience.[00:55:46]Speaker 4:I’m not just using Disney’s a metaphor. It doesn’t have tobe your thing, but you know what I mean? Like money has a purpose and thepurpose of it is to, it’s an expression of your involvement and community and
- your love for other people and the people around you. And you use that tomanifest those things.[00:56:03]Speaker 4:And if all you’re doing is just being like, yeah, I don’tknow, I just, you know, I got a pay raise. I just save more money in my four ohk, just save more money. Just save more money. Gross. So have a goal. That’smy biggest thing with all of this is if you’ve got an idea of what you’re aimingfor, then you can build the stuff around it.[00:56:17]Speaker 4:Thenyou’ll have all the stress about the other things.Like Paul is anti budgett, or you know, whatever excites you around that stuffyou can do and not feel guilty. You know, we talk a little bit about freedomfrom And freedom too, right? It’s like this is freedom to do the things that youwant and freedom from all the stress that comes with money.[00:56:34]Speaker 4:’cause money is stressful whether you got a hundredbucks of it or a hundred million bucks of it. It’s just, there’s always some sort of.Baggage.[00:56:41]Joe:I like this discussion because it addresses something we don’ttalk much about and there’s this whole group of people that suffer from this. SoI’m glad you guys were all here to help us.[00:56:50]Joe:Also, this piece not always surprised me, the fact that we gotinto discussion about what’s, what’s the name? Doug of the Pokemon thing?[00:56:56]Doug:Jiggly Puff. Jiggly. Snuffle Puff[00:56:59]Joe:Jiggly. Snuffleupagus. Yes. Yeah, whatever that is. We got thatin too. That’s,we got a couple things on the bingo card today. That’s great. Iwanna find out what’s happening where all of you are before we say goodbye,because I love your brilliance and I think that our stackers could learn so much,uh, from you like they have already.[00:57:18]Joe:Let’s start off, actually, we’re gonna do our Guest of honor last,uh, og, what do you got going on this, this weekend? After Memorial Dayweekend[00:57:26]Speaker 4:sharpening the saw this weekend, and by that I mean onthe golf game because we have a big. Brotherly golf tournament this weekend,this coming week, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
- [00:57:37]Speaker 4:You know what that means? Doug. Our goal is to notfinish last.[00:57:40]Joe:Steak brother’s gonna carry him again. No. That means he’spracticing throwing a club into the swamp.[00:57:48]Speaker 4:Doug knows a thing or two about that.[00:57:50]Doug:He’s, see, I have seen how far he can throw the club in theswamp. I have heard the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh,whoosh.[00:57:55]Doug:Right past my head several times.[00:57:57]Speaker 4:Impressive thing is that he found part of the club,allegedly. Oh yeah.[00:58:00]Doug:I[00:58:01]Joe:have one framed. Andy, thanks so much for joining us, man.What’s coming up on inspired money? Thanks for having me.[00:58:08]Speaker 6:Yeah. So inspired money, lots of cool things. I, Imentioned we have the future of work coming up, navigating the changinglandscape.[00:58:16]Speaker 6:Uh, we have maybe a discussion.[00:58:17]Joe:Is there a discussion about AI in there?[00:58:19]Speaker 6:Probably, yes. I think it will definitely include some ai.We’ve got the art of giving back creative ways to make a difference. And thenafter that, classics reimagined restoration and resurrections in the car collectingworld.[00:58:31]Joe:Hmm.[00:58:32]Speaker 6:Oh, that’s so cool.[00:58:33]Speaker 6:Wow.[00:58:34]Joe:As a Detroit guy, it’s pretty awesome. It would be found a
- [00:58:36]Doug:religious experience about to happen. Found[00:58:38]Joe:only on the Inspired Money podcast, and people wanna hit thatlive if they wanna watch it live. Is there a set[00:58:45]Speaker 6:time every week? It seems to be changing all the time.It’s supposed to be 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Eastern.[00:58:51]Speaker 6:More and more often it’s 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. It seemsto work better earlier in the day. That way I can get guestswho are actually onthe other side of the pond in Europe and it’s not midnight over there and then it’slike West Coast, east coast and everybody wins. I think so. I think so. Yeah. Wehaven’t had anyone from Asia yet.[00:59:09]Speaker 6:I don’t know how that’s gonna work out.[00:59:11]Joe:Well 1:00 AM I mean it’s a sacrifice, but it’s worth it ’causethey’re on Inspired Bunny, duh.[00:59:15]Speaker 6:You gotta pay a price.[00:59:16]Joe:Yeah, I know, right? You know. So I think the best thing to dothen is subscribe to your YouTube channel and they’ll get a notification thatyou’re going live.[00:59:25]Speaker 6:Subscribe at Inspired Money.[00:59:27]Joe:Yes. Thank you. And we’ll have a link on our show notes page,Aaron, so great to see you again. So great to talk about snuffle up IUs andwhatever the heck we talked about there. Yeah.[00:59:37]Erin Skye Kelly:I can’t wait to get my stamp at the houseof Illrepute next time I go. That’s right. So excited.[00:59:42]Speaker 4:It’s a big money saver. Just tell ’em Doug sent you.They’ll be like, oh yeah, come on in.[00:59:47]Speaker 6:You can do Pokemon battles there.[00:59:49]Joe:I’m always recording your, your two kick kickass books toeverybody. But I always, because I’m always focused on the books and the fact
- that you’re an author, I don’t tell people about what’s going on in the podcast,what’s happening.[01:00:00]Joe:At the Get the Hell Outta Debt podcast.[01:00:02]Erin Skye Kelly:I’m so excited. This week I get to talk to JillianLee, who got the hell outta debt about five years ago or so. And so we had heron the podcast right after she paid off $300,000 in debt after Wow. You know,doing the thing. But on that podcast, she said, I’m gonna be retired in 10 years.[01:00:18]Erin Skye Kelly:And she actually messaged us about a coupleweeks ago and said, I’m actually retired now. It took five years instead of 10. Sowe’re gonna interview her and catch up with her and find out, um, how shecontinued to implement the teachings and do all the things in order to get whereshe is now. And she’s somebody who is living life on her terms, like herhappiness and doing the retirement the wayshe designed it.[01:00:36]Erin Skye Kelly:So I can’t wait to catch up with her.[01:00:38]Joe:Isn’t it so cool seeing success stories like that? Yes.[01:00:41]Erin Skye Kelly:Yes. I know. I’m a proud mama in a way. I knowyou are, are I wish? Yeah. I really am. I, all of the people who’ve come throughand, and done all the cool things that we talked to, I just, you know, somepeople like cry during Old Yeller and like, I cry when people pay off their debt.[01:00:54]Erin Skye Kelly:You know whatI mean? I’m like, yeah, rememberyou, I’m so proud. Like I just, because I know what it’s like and I know howhard it is. And so I am a proud mama.[01:01:01]Joe:I would much rather cry because somebody got outta death thanmy dog was dead. Right? LikeI,[01:01:06]Erin Skye Kelly:I’d much,[01:01:07]Doug:I would much rather[01:01:07]Joe:you[01:01:07]Doug:were doing so well, Joe.
- [01:01:09]Doug:She said old[01:01:10]Joe:yell. Oh, was that spoiler? I’m sorry that was an old movie.Does nobody not know that? That that’s what happens at the end of that movie?[01:01:15]Speaker 4:Wait,[01:01:16]Joe:what happens? Never. Uh, he is Luke’s father. That’s, I think,the, the way that ends. And we will find, uh, the Get the Hell Outta Debtpodcast. We’ll find the Inspired Money Show on our show notes page at stackyBenjamins dot com plus Aaron’s two awesome books that I absolutely love.[01:01:34]Joe:Doug. I guess you got it from here man. What should be on ourto-do list after that, I can’t wait to hear what’s on[01:01:40]Doug:our to-do[01:01:40]Joe:list[01:01:40]Doug:of the hundreds of things that I could have put. Here’s whatshould be stacked up on our to-dolist for today. First, take some advice fromAndy. Track your spending for a few months to get a handle on where yourbiggest issues are.[01:01:52]Doug:Then you can start to limit just certain areas of your lifeinstead of your entire life. Wished I knew that a long time ago. Second, don’tforget what Aaron said. The two most impactful tools you have are your balancesheet and your budget. They’ll tell you where you are and where you’re going,but the biggest to do, I gotta update my tile height on the dating apps.[01:02:14]Doug:I know that’s information the ladies like to have up front.[01:02:20]Doug:Thanks to Andy Wong for joining us today. You can find hispodcast Inspired Money wherever you are listening to me right now. We’ll alsoinclude linksin our show notes at Stacking Benjamins dot com. Thanks to ErinSky Kelly for joining us today. You can find her latest book, naked MoneyMeetings, ending Money Fights With Your Partner Forever.[01:02:42]Doug:Forever. Books are sold. Damn, I wanna readthat one.Thanks also to OG for joining us today. Looking for good financial planning.Help head to Stacking Benjamins dot com slash OG for his calendar. This show
- is the property of SB podcasts, LLC, copyright 2024, and is created by Joe Saul-Sehy. Our producer is Karen Repine.[01:03:05]Doug:Karen and Joe get help from a few of our neighborhoodfriends. You’ll find out about our awesome team at Stacking Benjamins dotcom, along with the show notes and how you can find us on YouTube and allthe usual social media spots. Come say hello. Oh yeah, and before I go, not onlyshould you not take advice from these nerds, don’t take advice from people youdon’t know.[01:03:27]Doug:This show is for entertainment purposes only. Before makingany financial decisions, speak with a real financial advisor. I’m Joe’s Mom’sneighbor, Duggan. We’ll see you next time back here at the Stacking BenjaminShow.[01:03:46]Speaker 7:Oh, oh. What’s wrong with you? Oh, it’s either this showor indigestion. I hope it’s indigestion. Why? It’ll get better in a little while.
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