Imagine this: you’re talking to co-workers about how frustrated they are with…well, everything. They don’t understand the retirement plan. They’re confused by the health options, and they’re not at all confident that they’re using their benefits correctly. You’re wondering to yourself…do I tell them about my secret weapon? It still seems impossible that within ten minutes of opening your new guide, that you knew for certain you weren’t stepping in it?
Instead, you just smile. You’ll share the secret with them later. For now, you’re just feeling a little smug; knowing that you own a guide, you can open whenever you want, which is updated and useful…so you don’t have to worry about benefits questions ever again.
We get why your friends are worried. They begin with a mountain of paperwork or forty-seven confusing PDFs. Between the jargon, obscure terms, and their own insecurity (because who learned this in school…anyone?), it’s easy to feel lost.
In fact, this is your hidden opportunity to unlock free money! We’ll provide the map, you reap the benefits.
Introducing the Stacking Benjamins Guide to Workplace Benefits
Here’s how it works: Buy it once. Own it forever. We update it monthly. More on this below. But with regard to “what do I get,” it’s fantastic! Our guide lays out all of the most popular benefits in easy-to-understand language. Don’t have much time? We’ve included a quick decision sheet upfront that will give you the confidence to know you’re choosing the best available options for you and your family.
Seriously, we think of our guide as your secret weapon to turning your job’s benefit package into a financial win. Whether you’re new to the workforce, switching jobs, or just looking to make better choices, we simplify everything.
Ready to roll? As the finance bros say, “Smash that button below.” Need more info first? We’re here for you. Read on.
So What’s Inside This Guide?
- We’ll begin quickly by walking you through the BIG 7 Mistakes people make with workplace benefits, and we’ll help you fix them. This will take less than ten minutes, and for most of you, that alone will cover the cost of the guide and much, much more.
- Once we know you aren’t making big mistakes, we’ll dive deeper into your options, and share details on all the benefits most jobs offer, from health insurance to retirement plans so that you can maximize each one.
- For each benefit, we’ll include the definitions you need to know, the key considerations you should examine, and ideas to squeeze more money out of your choices.
- For example, we’ll go deep on disability insurance: Why it’s the most overlooked benefit and how it can protect your income.
- We’ll detail the real scoop on HSAs, FSAs, and tax-saving hacks that most people miss out on.
- And, of course, we’ll outline how to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table with dependent care accounts and other hidden gems.

We’ve packed this guide with all the best lessons from Stacking Benjamins episodes, newsletters, and expert interviews—saving you hours of research and ensuring you maximize every dollar your employer offers.
Now are you ready to begin? Yes? Smash this button below! No? Read on!
Why You Need This Guide:
- Mo’ money, fewer problems: People work too long at jobs they don’t love. Even if you love your work now, there may come a time when you don’t. We’ll help you optimize your benefits to build financial security faster, so you can work because you want to, not because you have to.
- Be prepared for the unexpected: From legal expense coverage to estate planning, there’s so much to know! You can’t be an expert in everything, so we’ve got you covered.
How It Works:
- Grab your benefits package and a cup of coffee. In just 15 minutes, this guide will show you where you’re leaving money on the table. By the time you finish that cup, you’ll be assured that you aren’t messing up life, and better yet, you’ll be well on your way to better money decisions.
- Follow our simple checklists: We’ve made it easy to check off what you’ve already accomplished so you can focus on where you can save more.
- Make confident choices: Our tips ensure your benefits fit you just right—without overspending or missing out on free perks.
Our Huge Guarantee: Lifetime Access and Consistent Updates
As if that isn’t enough value, we’ve made this guide even more special. The average person changes jobs every 4.2 years. The government changes the rules. Your HR department decides to add/subtract/mess with your benefits package. No need to worry. As long as we’re making the guide, you have access. We will also make monthly additions to the guide so that every time you log in, it’s better and more valuable than where you left off. That means you’ll be the first to know whenever we find new ways to save you money or your benefits change.

So, Who Are You and Why Should I Buy From You?
Great question, Stacker I made up for this section! Our Stacking Benjamins team has examined every inch of the HR Benefits universe, so we’re hyper-qualified to teach you. Joe Saul-Sehy was a financial planner for 16 years before his 15 years in financial media. The Plutus Awards even awarded him a “lifetime achievement award” for his body of work helping Stackers across the globe improve their financial lives. OG is a current working CFP, and half of the duo that Kiplinger called the Best Personal Finance podcast in the USA. He’s also listed as one of the top 100 advisors online by Investopedia. Our team members include people like Kevin Bailey, who’s worked for Vanguard and TIAA, storied organizations with a sound history of treating their clients in the best way possible.
Why should you buy from us? Beyond offering monthly updates to our guides and lifetime access, we provide unbiased advice—since we’re not affiliated with your organization, there’s no hidden sales pitch in our explanations. But we take it one step further: if you don’t think this guide is worth your money, we’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked. We’re confident you’ll love our work and use it to maximize your benefits!
Now are you ready? Great! Smash that button and let’s get rolling!