Did you have financial security, but lacked financial wholeness? Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche shares that she felt more complete BEFORE achieving financial independence. We discussed the importance of establishing a solid financial foundation and gaining knowledge in this area. Tiffany has helped women globally in paying off millions of dollars in debt, co-hosts the Brown Ambition podcast, and has authored multiple financial education books, including a pre-education book for children. Drawing from her decade of teaching experience, Tiffany has developed simple and engaging financial education lessons.
We are bringing you back to our interview with The Budgetnista, we covered a range of topics, including why financial wholeness should be the goal instead of financial freedom, tips on presenting financial education to children, and her practical budgeting system.
This show originally aired in 2021 so ignore any mention of current events. Check out the original show notes here.
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Written by: Tina Ichenberg
Miss our last show? Listen here: Your 14 Best Minutes Today (with Chris Field), Inflation’s Back, and RIP Chuck – REWIND
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