Has any well-meaning rich person told you to “follow your passion” when it comes to achieving your goals? Also, how comfortable are you with getting out of your comfort zone? Do you actually need to leave your comfort zone to succeed? Today’s guest believes both of these ideas aren’t true, and she has a Tedx talk that was watched by over 7 million people and a new hit book to prove it. Terri Trespicio joins us today to share how to reframe the idea of your comfort zone and talks about why the idea of having just one passion in life is overrated.
During our headline segment, we’re tackling the great resignation. An average of 3.9 million people quit their jobs each month in 2021. Why? And where are they going? Laura Troyani from PlanBeyond joined us to share her research. We’re also throwing out the Haven Life line to Chris who wants to know where to keep cash that he needs for a home purchase. Doug will also share his trivia.
Our Headline
- Laura Troyani from PlanBeyond joins us to talk about the Great Resignation. You can find their full report here.
Terri Trespicio
Big thanks toTerri Trespicio for joining us today. To learn more about Terri, visit her website. Grab yourself a copy of her book Unfollow Your Passion: How to Create a Life That Matters to You.
Watch Terri’s TedTalk here:
Doug’s Trivia
- If you’re a Pelican in the USA and you love basketball, in what city are you most likely found?
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Chris is saving up to buy a house and wants to know where he should park the cash. He has an I bond account currently and is thinking about opening a Vanguard account too.
Want more than just the show notes? How about our new newsletter with STACKS of related, deeper links?
- Check out The 201, our email that comes with every Monday and Wednesday episode, PLUS a list of more than 19 of the top money lessons Joe’s learned over his own life about money. From credit to cash reserves, and insurances to investing, we’ll tackle all of these. Head to StackingBenjamins.com/the201 to sign up (it’s free and we will never give away your email to others).
How about additional tools and interviews on related topics? Check out these past podcast episodes and blog posts!
- Ashley Goodall joined us to talk about what we should really be focusing on at work and how to make your work and company better.
- To learn more about the various investment vehicles, check out this blog piece.
Written by: Brooke Miller
Miss our last show? Listen here: Let’s Get Un-Trashy (with Tara McKenna of Zero Waste Collective)
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