If you LOVE stacking some Benjamins, you need great relationships…with your boss, your co-workers, your clients and customers, your network. But how do you create these bonds and strengthen them? Today we ask not one but TWO experts to share tips. Damona Hoffman is the host of the Dates and Mates podcast and also the dating expert on the Drew Barrymore Show. She’ll share everything from non-verbal cues to how to start a conversation, all things that will hopefully help not just your relationships but also your wallet.
In our headlines segment, we chat with Matchmaker and Dating Coach, Rachel Greenwald. Rachel wrote a piece for the Harvard Business Review detailing how dating advice can apply to being interviewed. We’ll chat about first impressions with her and discuss how, surprisingly, your first impression might not even be when you meet for the first time.
Of course we’ll also throw out the Haven Life Line to a lucky listener and share some Valentine’s Day trivia.
Deeper dives with curated links, topics, and discussions are in our newsletter, The 201, available at StackingBenjamins.com/201.
Our Headlines
- A Matchmaker’s Advice on How to Make a Great First Impression at Work (Harvard Business Review)
Our TikTok Minute
Rachel Greenwald

Thanks to renowned matchmaker and dating coach, Rachel Greenwald for joining us in our headline segment.
Damona Hoffman

Big thanks to Damona Hoffman for joining us today. To hear more from Damona, listen to her podcast Dates And Mates and visit DamonaHoffman.com.
Watch the complete interview with Damona on our YouTube channel:
Doug’s Trivia
- What do 15% of women do for themselves on Valentine’s Day?

Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Chad wants to know how much he can contribute to his Roth IRA for 2023.
Want more than just the show notes? How about our newsletter with STACKS of related, deeper links?
- Check out The 201, our email that comes with every Monday and Wednesday episode, PLUS a list of more than 19 of the top money lessons Joe’s learned over his own life about money. From credit to cash reserves, and insurances to investing, we’ll tackle all of these. Head to StackingBenjamins.com/the201 to sign up (it’s free and we will never give away your email to others).
Written by: Tina Ichenberg
Miss our last show? Listen here: Building Your Personal Brand: The Art of Self-Marketing
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