While everyone else panics about student loans, what if YOU were able to reach your dream of a great education and ZERO debt? Wouldn’t that be awesome? You’re going to love our featured interview with Anthony ONeal, author of Debt-Free Degree and Dave Ramsey personality. Between fantastic advice on choosing the right school, lowering your tuition amount, and earning scholarships… Anthony has a plethora of actionable steps you (or anyone else you know) can take to graduate with a degree, but WITHOUT being shackled to loans.
Buying a car? In our headlines segment we’ll talk about the HUGE number of people who are “underwater” on their auto loans. Maybe that’s the new epidemic. We’ll talk about how to handle auto loans much more effectively, plus, we’ll also talk about one new piece pushing the claim millennials should be happy that they’re stuck renting their house. We’ll do a dive into today’s pieces and naturally give our two cents as well.
Later we’ll throw out the Haven Life Line to Kathy, who has some questions on the differences between two savings accounts at her bank. Kathy thought she should be earning more on her savings, but it turns out her bank actually has two different versions of their savings accounts, and she’s been putting her cash into a lower-earning account. What’s the deal with that?
As always, we’ll save some time for Doug’s trivia.
Show Notes:
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<> Headlines
- Millennials Should Be Happy They Are Stuck Renting (Yahoo)
- A $45,000 Loan for a $27,000 Ride: More Borrowers Are Going Underwater on Car Loans (Wall Street Journal)
<> Anthony ONeal
You can find more from Anthony at his site: AnthonyONeal.com
Looking for a copy of Anthony’s book? Order it through our Powell’s link and you’ll be helping our your favorite podcast too: Debt-Free Degree: The Step By Step Guide to Getting Your Kid Through College Without Student Loans
<> Doug’s Trivia
- What other anthropomorphic cartoon character did Walt Disney create that would end up serving as a prototype to Mickey Mouse’s design?
<> Haven Life Line
- Kathe calls in asking for some help on how to figure out the differences between two different savings accounts.
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join us Wednesday!
We’re sitting down with real estate investor and financial analyst over at the Bigger Pockets blog, Craig Curelop.
Do you think that what Mr. ONeal said about saving for college is realistic? He said that if you save $100-200 per month for 15-18 years, you will end up with $70,000-$100,000. It seems like you would need a steady high rate of return, at least 8%, particularly in the last few years when the account balance is the highest. And you can’t leave the money in the stock market toward the end when a big downturn could wipe out a lot of your savings right when you need it. I liked the interview overall, but I thought this part was misleading. Thanks for covering this topic, I love the show!