With Memorial Day right around the corner in the USA, we ask Mr. Theme Park Insider, Robert Niles, “Where we can find the best values?” As always, he delivers with suggestions for parks around the country, and with ideas for people and families of all ages.
In our headlines we talk about money disorders that kill your financial plan. We also discuss a disturbing spending trend among older people. We throw out the Haven Life line to Emily, who wants to know if her boyfriend’s job is sub-optimal (he’s an active stock trader), and we answer a letter from Stephanie, who asks about buying a house. Should she plop down a bigger down payment or go with a bigger loan to leave her money invested?
Of course we have Doug’s trivia, some bad jokes, and lots more….
Huge thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney.com for helping us with today’s show!
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Show Notes:
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<> Headlines
- Do You Have One of These 4 Money Disorders? (RinggitPlus)
- Rich Retirees are Hoarding Cash Out of Fear (Yahoo)
<14:36> Robert Niles: Theme Park Value Guide, 2017
- Check out the Theme Park site for yourself: www.themeparkinsider.com
- Drop a line or two on Twitter: @ThemePark
<33:23>Doug’s Trivia
- How many hot dogs do Americans consume between Memorial Day and Labor day?
<38:10> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Emily wants to know if her boyfriend’s job, actively trading on the stock market, is up to snuff.
<45:00> Letters
- Stephanie wants to know if she should sell her ETFs to make a bigger down payment on her home.
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
<> Join us Friday
Suzanne Lucas, AKA the Evil HR Lady, is making a return trip to the basement. Texarkana must be a popular place!
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