We missed you so much last week we asked comedian John Cleese to kick off today’s show…which he does. Kinda.
Mr. Cleese isn’t the only celebrity on today’s show. Brian from the popular DoneByForty blog joins Len Penzo and Paula Pant on the roundtable, tackling negotiating like a champ, banks and brokers who pay YOU to open an account (winning!) and lessons learned from our worst investing mistakes. Buy high, sell low? Yeah….we can beat that.
Joe & OG tackle new long term care cost data (it’s every bit as scary as you’d think) and qualified retirement annuities…the hot new longevity investment inside 401k plans. It’s an annuity…and it’s trouble in a different way than many annuities.
We talk about a listener response to our points vs. no points mortgage discussion, and STILL have time to review the hit film Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Thanks to MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring our podcast!
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<> Newreel Headlines
New Data: What Long-Term Care Costs Now (Financial Planning)
Broker-dealers Face Adminstrative Hurdles In Rolling Out Qualified Retirement Annuities (Investment News)
<> My Dad’s Shortwave Roundtable Discussion
7 Banks and Brokers that Pay You To Open an Account (Kiplinger)
How To Negotiate Like a Wall Street Banker (CNNMoney)
What I Learned From My Worst Investing Mistakes (Yahoo! Finance)
Visit our participant’s websites:
<43:17> Your Letters
A letter from Lee about paying points on your mortgage
<47:00> End Show/Movies
Avengers – Age of Ultron
Photo: rchris7702
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