During this crisis, it’s important to focus on the big picture…but what is it? Our guest today says (and we agree), that managing your energy, and not your time is the key to success. Angelo Poli, the founder of MetPro and advisor to some of the biggest celebrities and athletes in America, discusses weight loss, how to eat right (and avoid fad diets), and more. We’re sure you’ll learn a TON about nutrition (like we all do every time Angelo has been on the show).
Plus, what’s polite to talk about over dinner with people? Politics, religion, or your credit card debt? Today we’ll talk to Nathan Hamilton during our headlines segment about a study he and the team at The Ascent have completed about appropriate topics at work and at the dinner table. I think you’ll be as surprised as we were.
If you think that’s all, well that might mean that it’s your first time here (so welcome!). Of course, we’ll also throw out the Haven Life line to a lucky caller, share some of Doug’s amazing trivia AND much, much more. Enjoy!
Show Notes:

Thanks to Free Tax USA for supporting Stacking Benjamins. It’s that time of year to get 10% off. Go to freetaxusa.com/SB and use code SB.
<3:18> Headlines
- Scammers return money after ‘Shark Tank’ star Barbara Corcoran lost almost $400,000 in phishing scam (USA Today)
- 2 Banks. 1 Hacker. $50,000 (Previous episode with our friend Shannyn)
<8:35> Nathan Hamilton

Nathan joins us in the basement to discuss the biggest taboo topics according to a study conducted by the Ascent. To see the full list of taboo topics, you can click here.
<20:00> Angelo Poli

Angelo Poli is an internationally recognized expert in the field of body transformations. Poli pioneered the evaluation-based approach to weight management that has been hailed as “… a foolproof diet plan.” He is the Author of MetPro: The Science to Transform, which outlines his philosophy and workout system. Poli is also a serial entrepreneur. He is the Founder of MetPro, the world’s first algorithm based weight loss engine, which is fueled by the data you feed into it every day. In addition, Poli is the Founder of Whole Body Fitness, which provides weight loss, health and fitness training programs for all ages and fitness levels. By using a combination of the latest nutrition, conditioning sciences and evaluation based methods; Poli and his team are able to create complete short and long-term fitness strategies that maximize people’s weight loss process.
For Stacking Benjamin listeners only, you get a free copy of our new book and a complimentary consultation with a metabolic expert for a deeper dive into your goals. AND by downloading a copy of MetPro’s new book, listeners can also be added to a waiting list to be one of the first to experience their new app!
Using the URL metpro.co/bookSB, our listeners will be able to download a free copy of MetPro’s new book – The Science to Transform.
<47:45> Doug’s Trivia
- What change that affects people’s sleep and productivity was approved by Congress on this date in history back in 1918?
<55:32> Haven Life Line
- Maz writes in to ask Joe and OG their thoughts on Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, who has given some controversial advice over the years.
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join us Friday!
When our roundtable discusses some ways you can spring clean your finances.
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