Interested in investing in Chinese stocks? So are many American investors, yet lots of them don’t know how much trouble they might be inadvertently be walking into. Jed Rothstein, Academy Award-nominated and Emmy Award winning director) joins us to discuss his new documentary, the China Hustle. How do people get swindled out of millions of dollars while trying to buy Chinese stocks listed on American stock exchanges? We’ll hear how the game works and also show you how deceptive it is even though it was all legal.
In headlines today we hear a gut-wrenching story about how an NBA star went from a $61 million fortune to being six figures in debt. We’ll also discuss a headline about buying insurance online. There are many questions people should ask when purchasing anything online, and we ask Haven Life CEO Yaron Ben-Zvi to share some tips with us. As always, he gives us lots of ideas to make sure you know what you’re buying.
Plus, as always, we throw out the Haven Life line to a listener. Today Win is wondering why her tax refund check is so low. Is it because she recently paid off her student loan? Also, we answer a letter from Nate who wonders about depositing a refund from an HSA expense back into his account even though he’s no longer eligible?
Of course, we’ll have Doug’s trivia and more fun on today’s show.
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Show Notes:

Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
- How a former NBA No. 1 draft pick blew a $61 million fortune and now owes six figures (CNBC)
- Beware the risks of buying online as life insurance meets technology (News)
- Follow Yaron on Twitter: @yaronbz
Jed Rothstein

Watch the movie for yourself:
Check out some clips on Twitter: @TheChinaHustle
Doug’s Trivia
- Where does China rank in the world in terms of land mass?
Haven Life Line

Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Win is wondering why her tax refund is low.
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG:
- Nate is ineligible to contribute to his HSA this year, but he recently got a refund from a copay he paid last year. Can he deposit the money back into his HSA?
Join us Friday
Joining us for her return appearance is Mrs. Groovy, of the Freedom Is Groovy blog. Among our (many) topics we’ll be covering on the show, we ask our contributors: what’s the right way to end things with someone you’ve known for years like you financial advisor?
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