Can you manage your own money? Is the process much simpler than Wall Street wants you to believe? If an advisor helps you plan, should they be required to take fiduciary responsibility when helping you plan for retirement? Bobby Monks and Justin Jaffe think so. They’re the authors of the new book Uninvested, and they’re detailing the problems where Wall Street and Main Street clash, and they also have brought plenty of solutions so that you don’t get sucked into bad “advisors” traps.
Joe & OG share headlines about another politician making political news AND about consumer confidence. We answer your letters about investing fees, share trivia about mutual funds, and much more!
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<> – From student loans to personal loans and mortgages….lower your interest rate with a strategy involving SoFi.
<> – Compare your checking, savings and credit cards with the best available before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, ditch, switch and save.
- Why Mark Zuckerberg wants everyone to read about how the poor spend their money
- Hillary Clinton’s Tweet-induced biotech sell off has created buying opportunity
<>Bobby Monks & Justin Jaffe
Their book (courtesy of Big Ben’s Flea Market):
<>Doug’s Trivia
- Today’s trivia topic: mutual funds
- Chris – Investing fees
<>The Big So What
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