Mark Iwry from the US Department of Treasury joins us to tackle the saver’s credit and the MyRA. How do these programs work? Why would someone use them? Who’s eligible? We tackle all of these questions and more.
Plus, in our headline segment, the market is having one of the wildest rides ever. Are there ways to take advantage of it? Also, are you leaving nearly $43,000 of retirement money on the table?
We also have the Quotacy hotline, your letters, Doug’s trivia and more. What a great way to kick off your week!
Thanks to and SoFi for sponsoring our podcast!
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Show Notes:
<> Open
From student loans to personal loans and mortgages, lower your interest rate with a strategy involving SoFi. You need a good credit score to qualify.
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
- The Stock Market is Having One of It’s Wildest Years in History (Business Insider)
- Are You Leaving $42,855 on the Table? (
<12:00>Mark Iwry: US Treasury
Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary
<>Doug’s Trivia
- According to the IRS, what’s the #1 expense states use tax money to support?
<>Quotacy Hotline
- Why spend hours with a cheesy salesman when in minutes you can find out how much insurance you need AND get quotes from 17 of the largest companies? Check out for life and disability insurance.
- Send us a note! Quotacy Hotline Link
<> Letters
- Alex – Kid’s favorite person on the show
- Stacking 101 Benjamins live classes coming – check out Stacking 101 Benjamins sign up
- Erin – Doesn’t like our new logo
- Frank – What do we think about newsletters for investors?
<35:30>Join us Wednesday
Fred Schebesta from joins us with results of a study about drinking and making purchases…the PERFECT topic for our pre-St. Patrick’s Day episode!
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