Today the star of the show is YOU! You ask us about 401k restrictions, retirement plan loans AND the importance of life insurance…and we deliver the goods. I’ll also warn you–OG’s on fire today. Seriously rare form.
Plus PK is back in the basement to talk about active vs. passive investing. Everyone’s seen that passive wins, but is it by enough to make a material difference?
As if that weren’t enough, today’s headline covers investor’s scary move from bonds to individual sectors to find safety. Our thought? They’re probably finding more volatility. We also review the film The Way Back.
Thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast!
Thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast.
<> Open
<> – From student loans to personal loans and mortgages….lower your interest rate with a strategy involving SoFi.
<> – Compare your checking, savings and credit cards with the best available before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, ditch, switch and save.
<5:00> Headlines
It’s a Troubled World When Oil is a Refuge For Equity Investors (Bloomberg Business)
<10:00> Your Letters
Kyle – 401k Company Restrictions?
Paul – 401k Loan
Matt – The importance of life insurance
<> PK’s Fractional Sense – Active vs. Passive Funds
<> End Show/Movies
Joe reviews The Way Back.
Hi guys,
Listened to your response to the 401K Retirement Restrictions reader letter today. You dismissed the possibility that a company would cap 401K contributions below the IRS maximum. My company actually does limit the amount of money I can contribute to my 401K. They cap employee contributions at 15% not the IRS contribution limit. I have spoken both to my HR benefits representative and directly to the fund manager at Charles Schwab. HR told me the company has always capped employee contributions at 15% and the fund manager told me that the cap is fixed by the company. I am frustrated that i cannot contribute more but not sure what to do. Could you investigate this issue further?