What are your favorite money moves that pay huge returns with little time and effort from you? It could be getting your company 401k match or saving early and investing to get the benefits of compound interest. Today our roundtable discusses their favorite asymmetrical money moves. Four-time olympian Lauryn Williams joins Len Penzo, and OG on our roundtable and share it all. From paying off a mortgage to reviewing insurance and investing, they give some great tips. Doug will, of course, share his trivia too.
Our Topic: Asymmetric Money Wins
Getting Rich With Asymmetric Money Moves (Banker on FIRE)
Our Contributors
A big thanks to our contributors! You can check out more links for our guests below.
Lauryn Williams
Another thanks to Lauryn Williams for joining our contributors this week! Hear more from Lauryn on her podcast and visit her website.
Len Penzo
Visit Len Penzo dot Com for the off-beat personal finance blog for responsible people.
For more on OG and his firm’s page, click here.
Doug’s Game Show Trivia
- What year did Old Spice hit the market?
A big thanks to our contributors for sharing their asymmetrical money wins!
Miss our last show? Check it out here: Strong Women Leading Families Into Wealth
Written by: Brooke Miller
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