Cameron Huddleston joins us to tell the story of her aging mother, and the time she nearly missed the chance to have an incredibly important conversation: how her financial assets were managed and what arrangements she’d made for the future. She’ll share that story and strategies on talking with parents about money (especially what NOT to say), on today’s show.
Plus, in our headlines segment, more retirement plan lawsuits hit the court system. The Supreme Court is looking at an interesting case, which largely revolves around when the participant was told about allegedly sub-par investment options in his employer plan. If you get a prospectus, does that mean you’re on the hook from that day for everything that’s inside?
Dave and his wife are debt free, and their children’s college and retirement accounts are fully funded. Dave calls the Haven Life Line because they’ve been thinking about opening a taxable brokerage account to have funds outside of their retirement. Are there any tax implications they should know about? Is there anything else they should be considering?
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Thanks to Experian for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Boost your FICO score instantly for free. Boost is only available at

Show Notes:
Thanks to LinkedIn for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to and get a $50 credit toward your first job post.
Thanks to Experian for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Boost your FICO score instantly for free. Boost is only available at
<> Headlines
- Supremes Take on Another ERISA Case (NAPA)
- Retirement Planning That Boosts Your Nest Egg By $800K? Read On (Investors)
<> Cameron Huddleston

You can find more on Cameron at her site:
Looking for a copy of Cameron’s book, Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk? You can order through our Powell’s book link (and support Stacking Benjamins too!) by clicking HERE.
Would you prefer to order on Amazon instead? Click below:
<> Doug’s Trivia
- Which actor stars as Passepartout in the 2004 version of the film, Around the World in 80 days?
<> Haven Life Line
- Dave and his wife are debt free, and their children’s college and retirement accounts are fully funded. They’ve been thinking about opening a taxable brokerage account to have funds outside of their retirement. Are there any tax implications they should know about? Is there anything else they should be considering?
<> Letter
Nao has recently gotten into personal finance and wants to know what they can do to diversify their portfolio. Based on what they’ve researched ETFs seem like the only thing that makes sense so far. You can read their letter below:
Hello Joe and OG! I recently started my journey of personal finance after accumulating a bit of saving after finished college debt-free. Your show has helped me tremendously with navigating the world of investment & retirement savings but I still found myself cornered in term of investment options.
Based on what I’ve heard from the show & a little bit of research, ETF seems like the only option that makes sense. I don’t have much time to constantly re-balance my account, pay attention to market movement, or analyze fundamentals of individual companies. At the moment, I’ve already purchased ETF in several market cap categories as well as in emerging market & technology sector.
What are some other ways that I should be looking at to further strength & diversify my portfolio. Really appreciate your response !
[…] Mentioned in this episode:Our previous discussion with Blair Baldwin from AgeUpOur previous discussion with Cameron Huddleston […]