Have you ever lied about how much money you make? Most likely, along with the rest of us, you’ve probably puffed up the number at least once in your life. So exactly why do people lie? Helping us discuss fibbing to spouses and to statisticians is our special guest, Hilary Hendershott. Also helping, we welcome our good friend Paula Pant, and from our very own podcast, OG.
Halfway through the show we’ll take a break and talk to one CEO whose company, RateGravity, is disrupting the mortgage industry. And in typical Stacking Benjamins style, we’ll also find time to answer Doug’s trivia AND help out a caller who left the basement a voicemail from Leo, who with his wife has worked hard to reach financial independence… and can’t seem to give himself permission to have some fun.
Thanks to MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring Stacking Benjamins. MagnifyMoney.com saves users on average $450 when they compare, ditch, switch and save on credit cards, student loan refinancing, checking, savings and more. Check out MagnifyMoney.com for your savings.
Thanks to Emperor Investments for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to emperorinvests.com/sb and select “Stacking Benjamins podcast” when asked how you heard about the show.
Show Notes:
<> Open
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
Emperor Investments
Thanks to Emperor Investments for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to emperorinvestments.com/sb and select Stacking Benamins podcast.
Check out Emperor Investments
<> Headlines
<> Our Contributors
Hilary Hendershott
Check out her site: HilaryHendershott.com
Find Paula on Twitter: @HilarytheCFP
Paula Pant
Check out Paula’s site at: AffordAnything.com
Say hi to Paula: @AffordAnything
Do you need some more financial help from OG outside of the show? Follow our link, StackingBenjamins.com/OG to get some one-on-one help from the man himself.
<> RateGravity
Check out Patrick’s company for yourself: RateGravity.com
Follow RateGravity on Twitter: @RateGravity
<> Doug’s Trivia
- What percentage of parents in America anticipate leaving an inheritance for their children?
<> Voicemail
- Leo and his wife have been working hard towards financial independence. How do they give themselves permission to have fun?
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
Join us Monday!
We’re inviting over one of the coolest financial writers out there… Mr. Groovy of the Freedom Is Groovy blog.
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