As we round the 4th of July holiday, we’ve all celebrated George Washington as the first President of the United States, the general who lead the Continental Army against the British, and the second or third most popular character in the Broadway play “Hamilton.” However, did you ever think of George Washington as an entrepreneur? Economist John Berlau has thought about that AND how Washington’s entrepreneurship aspirations molded both his vision as a future leader, and our country. Today he’s with us to share stories from Washington’s life, including how he became an entrepreneur, and some of his most prominent contributions to our country. If you’re a history fan, entrepreneur, or just someone who wants to learn how the best-and-brightest made their way, today’s show is for you.
Of course, that’s not all. We’ll discuss the recent issues with the economy and your 401(k) plan. It turns out that you can still become a 401(k) millionaire. There’s no need to get overly creative with your financial plan. That’ll be good news for most of us. Plus, we’ll talk estate planning. When someone chooses you to manage their affairs when they pass away, what should you do? For some of you we’ll preview our best tips, and for everyone else, we’ll share what you should think about when choosing an executor or contingent trustee. Don’t know those terms? We’ll even share what that means on today’s show for no charge!
Of course, we also save time for Doug’s fireworks, including his trivia AND incredible wit. It’s a kick-butt first show back for the SB team, and we’re glad you’re hanging out with us.
Check out the show notes for ALL of the links in today’s show!
Show Notes:
- You can still be a 401(k) millionaire — if you even want to (MarketWatch)
- Executor of Estate: What It Means and What You Need to Know (Fool)
John Berlau

A big thanks to John Berlau for giving us some insight on George Washington’s life! You can connect with John on Twitter here: @jberlau
Topics we discuss:
- George Washington as a reader and lover of books (even though he didn’t have a substantial education).
- Lessons from Washington’s parents.
- Washington kept many, many records and was well organized.
- How Washington’s disadvantages were actually an advantage.
- Washington’s inventions.
- Washington’s record on slavery
- Washington surprises
Would you like to dive deeper on Washington’s history as an entrepreneur? You can order John’s book (and help the show!) by ordering below:

Doug’s Trivia
- Today, on Sly Stallone’s b-day, we remember Rocky 4 and his fight against a top Russian fighter…which brings up the question: “Where does Russia rank today in worldwide GDP?”
Haven Life Line
- Brandon wants to diversify his portfolio a bit, but is worried about the tax implications. He is invested fully into an S&P 500 index fund. Would adding a small cap index fund to his portfolio be tax efficient?
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join Us Wednesday!
We’ll be chatting with Adam Davidson from NPR’s Planet Money!
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