A free frisbee changed Jason Vitug’s life, sending him on a path of horrible decisions that later led him to some epic discoveries about himself and his ability to achieve. How? He’s the author of the new book, You Only Live Once, a Road Map To Financial Wellness, and we’ll talk with him about the frisbee, his bad-to-awesome decisions, and his belief that anyone can turn their life around by deciding it’s time to do better.
It’s a powerful interview.
Also! OG’s baby has arrived (congrats OG family!) so Doug Goldstein from the popular Rich as a King podcast (and author of the Rich as a King book) sits in the co-host chair today. We tackle headlines about government statistics and about health care. Should you plan on much higher costs for health care during retirement? We tackle a question on the Quotacy hotline about reverse mortgages and a letter from the mailbag about finding a financial advisor. How do you look for one?
Thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring our show. Looking for a better debt repayment strategy or better financial instruments? Use our hosts’ links to save tons on fees and interest.
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Show Notes:
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From student loans to personal loans and mortgages, lower your interest rate with a strategy involving SoFi. You need a good credit score to qualify.
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
Our Guest Co-Host: Doug Goldstein
Read Doug’s book: Rich as a King
Listen to Doug’s podcast: Rich as a King podcast
- A Different Take on Replacement Rates (Napa-Net)
- Retiree Medical Expenses Could Outpace Social Security Benefits in 20 Years (Investment News)
<14:41>Jason Vitug: You Only Live Once
Read Jason’s new book:
Follow Jason’s trip across the USA:
Follow Jason on Twitter: @JasonVitug
<36:48>Doug’s Trivia
- How many diapers will the average baby go through before potty training ends?
<42:17>Quotacy Hotline
- Why spend hours with a cheesy salesman when in minutes you can find out how much insurance you need AND get quotes from 17 of the largest companies? Check out Quotacy.com for life and disability insurance.
- Ethan: What do you think of reverse mortgages?
<48:04> Letters
Jason – What’s the best way to find a financial advisor?
<>Join us Friday
We’re joined by CFP Mary Beth Storjohann from Work Your Wealth!
Monica Louie
I loved this episode! Jason’s story is so inspiring! You really can define what’s important in your life and design a life that’s true to your values, even if that doesn’t align with what society tells us we “should” want out of life. I’m loving his book too!
Jason Vitug
Thank you so much for having me on. I enjoyed being in the basement! 🙂