Laura Vanderkam returns to the basement to discuss secrets about better time management gleaned from studying successful women. She’s the author of I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time, and discusses strategies for people who want to work fewer hours, people who want to work more, and people who want more family time. How can you have it all? Laura has some surprising answers (involving strawberries and murals) on today’s show!
Plus, the Evil HR Lady, Suzanne Lucas has some advice for people starting a new job AND wanting to take vacation this summer. How do you have both? She’ll explain. Joe & OG have headlines about tech firms and banking….who do you trust more….and new legislation we’ve discussed in the past about 401k oversight rules in the USA. We also take your letters and more!
Thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast!
<> Open
<> MagnifyMoney – Use when it’s time (now!) to evaluate your checking, savings or credit cards against those that are best-in-class.
<> SoFi – Refinancing student loans or applying for a mortgage? If you have a high credit score and are looking for a low interest rate, use the leader in student loan refinancing (and now mortgages and personal loans!). Go to for more information.
<4:48> Headlines
<> Laura Vanderkam – I Know How She Does It
Laura’s book:
Laura’s (awesome) blog:
Follow Laura on social media:
Facebook – Laura Vanderkam, author
Twitter – @LVanderkam
<14:25> What’s Evil In HR – Vacations for New Employees
Check out Suzanne Lucas’ Site: Evil HR Lady
The piece we discuss: How To Ask For A Vacation When You’re New To The Job (
<> End Show/Movies
We ran out of time this week! Lots of thank you’s but movie reviews return Monday.
This podcast was awesome! After hearing Laura speak I seriously am considering creating an Excel spreadsheet to track my time. Lifestyle design, time management, etc. are really interesting topics and I love all the stuff Laura touched on. It’s also great to hear from someone who is focused on careers instead of freelancing – the pf blogosphere is full of freelancing/business ownership content but lacks in the careers area.