Ever wonder how someone decides to aggressively attack a goal, like paying down your mortgage? Talaat McNeely and his spouse Tai decided to think HUGE thoughts when they set out to pay off their house in five years. They didn’t know how they’d do it, but they set out anyway and took action, and ultimately accomplished their goal. Today Talaat will tell their family’s fantastic story from start to finish. He’ll share what they did well and also how they could have maybe paid the house off even faster. He’ll share their feelings and emotions along the way that sometimes came near sabotaging their goal…and at other times that helped spur them on to victory.
Plus, in our headlines segment, we’ll detail a great list of questions you should ask a financial advisor. Do you have questions ready when you go in to see an advisor? We’ll share some of our favorites before jumping over to our second headline: one California man learns ten million reasons why you shouldn’t tell your roommates about hitting the jackpot… see where this is going? Yeah, it’s a cautionary tale.
Later on we’ll throw out the Haven Life Line to Colin, who wants to know our thoughts on target date funds. He’s been dollar-cost averaging into a Vanguard target date retirement fund for the past 10 years. Should Colin change his investment strategy? What are out thoughts? We’ll also get through TWO letters today. First, Shaun is a financial advisor and wants to know what type of data he should be presenting his clients. Next, will take on a letter from Christy, who writes in to address our answer to a letter asking about individual life insurance.
And don’t worry… we’ll still take some time for Doug’s trivia.
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Show Notes:
<> Open
Thanks to Masterworks for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Visit Masterworks.io and reserve your shares now. See disclaimer at Masterworks.io/disclaimer.
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Thanks to Omax Health for supporting Stacking Benjamins.
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<5:31> Headlines
- 10 Questions To Fire At Financial Advisers (Kiplinger)
- California man learns $10 million reason not to tell your roommate if you win the lottery, police say (Washington Post)
<25:04> Talaat McNeely
Check out Talaat’s site (and podcast): HisAndHerMoney.com
Take a look at Talaat and his wife Tal’s award winning YouTube channel: His And Her Money
<48:53> Doug’s Trivia
- What creature fueled the world’s imagination in 1934?
<57:33> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Colin wants t0 know how we feel about target-date funds. He’s been dollar-cost averaging into a Vanguard target date retirement fund for the past 10 years. Should he be doing something different?
<1:05:55> Letters
- Shaun is a financial planner and ofter writes reports for clients using different types of graphs. What types of presented data do Joe and OG like to show to clients? What did clients prefer?
- Christy writes in with some comments on and corrections on our individual health insurance answer.
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
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