Tyler Griffin and Steve Gordon join us this week to discuss the onerous task of paying bills. Ask twenty people their bill-paying technique and they’ll give you at least twenty different answers. Some stack bills and pay once a month, others pay as they come in, even more grab alerts from billers and pay a few days before they’re due.
No matter which method you use, it’s usually a mess of spreadsheet, tracking, alerts and check writing.
The Prism app (available on all major phone platforms) seeks to solve that by giving you a one-stop shop online for all of your bills. We’ll discuss how different bill paying programs work (far more fascinating than you’d think), the problem with many bill-paying platforms, and how companies like Prism work to streamline your bill pay process and make your life easier….for free.
We’ll even talk about how they can offer a service like Prism for no cost AND ask important questions about security.
Thanks to MagnifyMoney.com for sponsoring our podcast!
<> Open
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<> Tyler Griffin and Steve Gordon, founders of the Prism App – Bill Paying Discussion
The Prism app website (with links to all app pages)
<> End Show/Contest
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