Shannon McLay, author of Train Your Way To Financial Fitness joins us to talk about giving your Benjamins a workout! She’ll discuss the three types of people (fit, skinny or fat) and how they can start working their way toward better money solutions. We discuss everything from goal setting to budgets and communication.
Shannon’s book: Train Your Way To Financial Fitness
Shannon’s Website:
Shannon’s Blog (including Music Mondays!):
I just listened to this and remembered how fun it was recording it with you! Hopefully I get asked back to the basement again! 🙂
JOE!!!! You’re. the. best. Thanks for giving a shout out to my map; it’s been an awesome reminder of my financial goals (and every lil bit of motivation helps).
Also, I’m going to try and get “claire-ification” added to the Scrabble dictionary 😀