We cover LOTS of ground today….everything from too much debt to the student loan crisis to planning for entrepreneurs and ex-pats. Thinking about moving outside the USA for retirement? We’ve got you covered. Hoping to retire early? We’ll talk about that. Starting a business and worried about cash reserves? Yup….that’s on the show. How about mortgages? Absolutely! We’re going to talk about that.
How? It’s our annual FinCon episode! We co-hosted a party for many of the financial writing and podcasting movement’s top people, and while they were there we invited them to spend a few minutes on the mic with us. We give you the flavor and some great interviews on today’s show!
Special thanks to SoFi and Magnify Money for sponsoring our show. Support the companies that support us AND help yourself along the way.
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Show Notes:
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From student loans to personal loans and mortgages, lower your interest rate with a strategy involving SoFi. You need a good credit score to qualify.
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
<5:52> Bill Dwight – Fam Zoo
Say “hello!” to Bill on twitter: @famzoo
Check out FamZoo: FamZoo.com
<13:50> Dan Macklin – SoFi
“What’s up Dan?” : @macklindan
Check out Sofi at: @SoFi
Visit the website at: Sofi.com
<18:07> Liran Amrany
Drop Liran a line at: @LiranAmrany
Follow Debitize on Twitter: @debitize
Check out the app: Debitize.com
<24:26> Larry Ruff
Find him on twitter: @envudu
Check out the website at: envudu.com
<30:00> Grayson Bell
Grayson’s twitter: @GraysonBell83
Check our his site at: debtroundup.com
The podcast has a twitter too! @DebtRoundUp
<35:57> Jeffrey Trull
Say “hello” to Jeffrey on Twitter: @jeffreytrull
Here’s the Student Loan Hero website: StudentLoanHero.com
<38:47> Jay Fleishman
Here is Jay’s Twitter: @JayFleischman
Check out his podcast: The Student Loan Show
<43:08>Doug’s Trivia
- FinCon ’16 is in San Diego this year. When was San Diego first settled?
<47:35>”OG is taking clients” hotline
- Sean – Teacher’s retirement accounts question….uncle (teacher) died and had a VALIC annuity. What should he tell his aunt to do?
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
<57:08> Pauline Pacquin
Say hello on Twitter: @RFIndependence
Her wonderfully put together website: reachfinancialindependence.com
<1:04:02> Nick Clements
You guessed it, here’s his Twitter: @npclements
Check out Magnify Money: @magnify_money
Visit the website at: magnifymoney.com
<1:14:15> Shannon McLay
You can say hello to Shannon too: @theshannonmclay
Check out the Martinis & Your Money podcast: Martinis and Your Money
<1:19:26> Jackie Lamm
Say hello to Jackie at: @Cheapsters
Check out Jackie’s website at: cheapsters.org
<1:22:58> Joshua Sweats
Joshua’s twitter can be found at: @JoshuaSheats
You can find his website at: radicalpersonalfinance.com
Jeffrey Kleintop, Chief Global Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab, joins us in the basement!
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