Wish you knew what the future held? Us too! While we can only foresee the future as well as the next guy, our brilliant, all-knowing device is all fired up and ready to go to kick off your 2021. That’s right, this is our annual Magic 8-Ball episode, where we look back on the events of 2020 and ask a plastic, Walmart-purchased kid’s toy what it thinks will happen over the next 12 months. For those of you stumbling onto this show for the first time you’re in for a treat: each January for the last many, many years, we’ve asked Len Penzo’s Magic 8-ball to predict what’s in store, and during the early years, this little ball was EERILY accurate. BUT, not only will we take a look back to see how well the 8-ball predicated 2020’s events (and really, who could have guessed this year?), we’ll also implore the 8-ball to reveal the secrets of the upcoming year.
Plus, for those of you getting serious about your personal finance resolutions, we’ll ask the headmaster of the Stacking Benjamins Money Club, Aaron Velky for his best advice during today’s fintech segment. One thing we already know: having accountability makes achieving your goals that much easier.
A special thanks to Len Penzo for his generous contributions to the Plutus Foundation! Not to have Joe’s mom’s basement be outdone, the basement is also matching his contribution: for every correct answer from the Magic 8-ball, Len Penzo and Stacking Benjamins will each donate $100 to the Foundation.
Magic 8-ball Predictions
I won’t hold you in suspense any longer, here we’re the 8-ball’s predictions from the last year:
- Will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle open up a charity branch in America?
- Will the Dow Jones be higher Dec 15th, 2020 than at the start of the year?
- Will the hot-dog eating champion in 2020 break the 2019 record?
- Will Harry and Meghan announce a new pregnancy in 2020?
- Will the new Top Gun film be the top grossing movie of 2020?
- By the end of 2020, will Amazon drones be delivering drones to your door?
- Will there be official disclosure of aliens in 2020?
- Will the royal couples – Charles and Camilla, William and Kate, or Harry and Megan – do an official South America tour in the year 2020?
- Will Paula interview either Warren buffet or Bill Gates, and will in fact, either of those two people say to Paula that they can afford anything?
- The Schwab International Index has been beaten by the S&P 500 the last two years. Will the Schwab International Index, ticker symbol SWISX, beat the S&P 500 in 2020?
- Will Trump win reelection?
Think you know the answers to these questions? Listen along to the podcast and see how much you can get right! The 8-ball was a lot more accurate this year than the past years. To the good fortune of the Plutus Foundation, the Basement and Len Penzo will donate $1400 to further the foundation’s mission. Want to know which questions they’re paying out on? Listen in!
Our Contributors
Paula Pant

Check Out Paula’s site and amazing podcast: AffordAnything.com
Follow Paula on Twitter: @AffordAnything

For more on OG and his firm’s page, click here.
Paula Pant

Check Out Paula’s site and amazing podcast: AffordAnything.com
Follow Paula on Twitter: @AffordAnything
Doug’s Trivia
- What year was the Magic 8-ball introduced?
Friday Fintech: Aaron Velky

A big thanks to Aaron Velky for spending some time with us today and explaining more about the Stacking Benjamins Money Club! Feel like the Money Club aligns with your 2021 financial goals? Find more info here: Money Club.
Want to see how the 8-ball did in the past? Check out these episodes:
- Our Magic 8 Ball Predicts The Market in 2020 (plus a look at the future of FinTech with Ryan Falvey)
- Our Magic Eight Ball Predicts 2019 (plus an intro to Kin)
- Will 2018 Be A GREAT Year For Investing? (and other Magic 8 ball questions)
- What’s In Store for 2017? A Look Into Our Magic 8 Ball and Suzanne Lucas!
Written by: Richie Rutter-Reese
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