We’ve all had those days. Nothing went right all day and on the way home you know you’d feel better if you just stopped at the (insert favorite store) and bought…that expensive (or inexpensive thing). On Instagram, that’s often called self-care. But is it destructive? In a recent viral YouTube video, Chelsea Fagan of The Financial Diet lays out her thoughts. We’ll play a clip and then jump into a fascinating discussion on the topic with Jacob Wade, from IHeartBudgets.net, and basement regular Len Penzo, of the LenPenzo.com blog.
Whether you own a business or are thinking about starting a side hustle, one problem we KNOW you’ll have is handling your books. How come current bookkeeping and business management software programs don’t work together? A company working at solving that puzzle is called Roger.ia, and halfway through the show we’ll take a break from our discussion to talk to Catherine Anderson, the cofounder of Roger. Catherine will walk us through how Roger does everything from fraud detection, to team management, bill pay, and how it even helps out with possible audits.
During our Magnify Money segment we’ll answer a voicemail from William, who will be retiring soon. William and his wife are still paying on the mortgage, but they have some savings they could tap into. Here’s the question: Should William use their extra savings towards the mortgage, or keep the cash liquid as an emergency fund? We’ll answer Will’s question and still save some time for Doug’s trivia.

Show Notes:
Thanks to HoneyBook for supporting Stacking Benjamins. If you run your own business, you’re used to doing it all. But if you’re struggling to get through your to-do list, HoneyBook can help. Go to HoneyBook.com/SB for 50% off your first year.
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<> Our topic: Self-care
Chelsea Fagan, from The Financial Diet released a video railing against the “pop culture” version of self-care that’s been growing more popular each year. We’ll preview a snippet of the video during our headlines and then our contributors will give their hot take on 2019’s version of self-care.
- You can check out Chesea’s site here: TheFinancialDiet.com
- Want a direct link to Chelsea’s Youtube channel? Click here: The Financial Diet
Our Contributors
Jacob Wade

You can find more from Jacob at his site: IHeartBudgets.net
Paula Pant

Check Out Paula’s site and amazing podcast: AffordAnything.com
Follow Paula on Twitter: @AffordAnything
<> Roger.ai
A BIG thanks to Catherine Anderson, co-founder of Roger, for sitting down with us today. You can find more from on Roger at the company’s site: Roger.ai
<> Doug’s Trivia
- What is the minimum net worth a person needs to have before opening up a Wendy’s franchise?
<> Magnify Money Question
- William will be retiring soon, but him and his wife still have a mortgage to pay off. Should they put some of their savings towards their home, or keep making payments and keep their cash liquid?
Join Us Monday!
We’ll be sitting down with Anthony ONeal, author of Debt-Free Degree and Dave Ramsey personality. Anthony has fantastic actionable steps you can take to graduate WITHOUT being shackled to debt.
Man, that Jacob guy was SPOT ON! You should bring him on more, he’s got wisdom beyond his years…..(plus, you know, he’s ruggedly handsome as well….)