With automation a bigger part of our life, what’s going to drive the economy in the future? We talk economics, work, and the role of money with executive producer Dave O’Connor of the new National Geographic show Year Million.
In our headlines segment, we’re joined by David Siegel, CEO of Investopedia, to tells us about lessons learned from their recent Market Madness competition. 5,000 college students participated, and the results AND lessons from the competition, including some of the big names missing from the average portfolio, are interesting. We also talk about annuity sales, which are down a TON since this time last year. What’s going on? OG & Joe will talk all things annuity.
We also throw out the Haven Life line to Josh, who wonders if he should hire a more active manager for his money, and we answer a letter from a listener who thinks Joe’s movie review of a recent film was more than a little off.
Of course, that’s not all. Doug brings the trivia, mom brings treats, and there are some horrible jokes along the way.
Special thanks to SoFi and our newest sponsor M1Finance for sponsoring our show! We couldn’t do any of this without the support of these awesome companies.
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Show Notes:
<> Open
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Why compromise with investments when you can use an intuitive, easy-to-use, robust platform? M1Finance combines the power of automated investing platforms with the flexibility of do-it-yourself but more expensive brokers. Be Invested.
<> Headlines
- David Siegel, CEO of Investopedia
- Here’s the link to Investopedia’s Stock Simulator
- Follow Investopedia on Twitter: @Investopedia
- Indexed, variable annuity sales slump as DOL fiduciary rule looms (InvestmentNews)
<17:30> Dave O’Connor
Drop a line to David on Twitter: @doconnorDOC
Check out the show: National Geographic
<>Doug’s Trivia
- What was the original name for Memorial Day?
<33:34> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Jeff calls in with a raving review about a recent book recommendation: Simple Wealth, Inevitable Wealth. In regards to the book, here is his question: Would an S&P 500 fund count as both a large cap growth and large cap value?
<38:33> A Letter From the Mailbag
- Someone sends in a letter telling Joe why the movie “Kong” was so terrible.
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
<> Join us Wednesday
We’ll be welcoming the good doctor, Amir Baruch, to the basement to help us understand the same rules of wealth that doctors need to know.
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