What do YOU worry about when it comes to money? Is it the same thing others worry about? Today we head to sunny Orlando, the home of Podcast Movement (the nation’s biggest podcasting conference), and catch up with some top financial podcasters at the FinCon booth in the expo hall (they were nice enough to set up a podcasting booth for shows to use!). Today we talk to Mindy Jensen from Bigger Pockets Money, Lacey Langford from the Military Money show, and all the way from Australia, the host of one of the biggest money shows in the land down under called My Millennial Money, Glen James.
We’ll take a break at the halfway point to finish off our Labor Day prep week. OG and Joe will share a cautionary tale about inviting your FIRE (financial independence/retire early) friends over for your Labor Day cookout. His event last year went really, really poorly. He’ll explain.
Thanks to AcreTrader for sponsoring today’s show. Learn more at acretrader.com/sb

Show Notes:
The Stacker
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Our Contributers:
Mindy Jensen
Learn more about Mindy at her website at https://www.biggerpockets.com/
Follow her on twitter at @MindyatBP
Glen James
Learn more about Glen at his website at https://www.sortyourmoneyout.com/about
Lacey Langford
Learn more about Lacey at her website at https://laceylangford.com/
Follow her on twitter at @FinanceLacey
Paula Pant

Check Out Paula’s site and amazing podcast: AffordAnything.com
Follow Paula on Twitter: @AffordAnything

For more on OG and his firm’s page, click here.
<31:05> OG’s Top 5
5. “Roadkill” pairs well with tap water doesn’t bring in the masses as much as you’d thought
4. BYOB – Bring your own BBQ was hugely misunderstood by the whole group
3. Avoiding the “high cost of matches” to light the grill would have gone easier if you’d had flint or steel
2. The “Harvest Weed From My Flower Bed” game was apparently interpreted incorrectly by my guests.
1. Apparently stomping on leftover grapes doesn’t make wine as fast as I’d hoped.
I like that Joe smacked back about the financial headlines 4 years ago predicted the recession. The media is never right about this, they just sell fear and ads.