Ah, it’s a great day in America when someone can name their child just about any name they choose. Urban legends abound with dumb names….the child named Placenta was always one that my wife and her friends would talk about. Heck, you don’t even need an urban legend, do ya?
Top 5 Reasons You’d Name Your Kid North West
5) Marijuana Pepsi was taken
4) Marijuana, in fact, was involved in helping name her
3) South West would have just been silly
2) We wanted to erase any head start our mountains of money would have brought
…and the #1 reason you call your kid North West:
1) We’re really big Hitchcock fans
BTW – That woman named Marijuana Pepsi has a great story….she’s not only overcome her name but embraced it (for once, I’m not joking….it’s refreshing). I hope North West can do the same.
Happy Saturday, Stackers! I’m off to Six Flags!
What’s your favorite off-the-wall name?
Haha, I just can’t believe anybody would be that mean to name their kid that. I don’t hate the name North, it’s fine, but when you have West as a last name? I bet she’ll end up changing her last name to Kardashian.
I’ve thought about changing my last name to Kardashian, too!
I still think that’s a joke. I can’t believe they honestly named the poor kid that, but I guess Apple and Blue were already taken. I can’t share full names because of privacy laws, but I have seen some doozies. First names include Germy (pronounced like Jeremy) Krogerious (conceived in the Kroger parking lot), and Penis (not sure how it’s prounounced, you don’t call that one out loud), and there is a real jerk who lives in our town named Dick Eaton, no lie.
Krogerious! I guess that’s better than Dumpsterlicious.
Mom knowing where the money is, CLEARLY is the most important part of the story. Nothing I hated more than sitting down with a widow and playing “Let’s figure out where the money is.”
The worst name in my family belongs to my mother’s cousin, Elvis. Either that, or his father, Rowdy.
Nice. They also could have done, Key, which I think is a better girls name. Perhaps Go if you wanted a gaming career or a wild west attitude.
We have a winner! Key West would have been a killer name. Opportunity lost.
My cousin named his son Levi Eli. Which means his name is Levi Eli Sehy (pronounced See-hi). Say that one fast.
Haha I like the other commenter who suggested “South” as another good name. While I’m not thinking of names as outlandish as this, the names my wife and I like are a bit different so I hope you don’t make a post when I have my kids 😉
I think South is being saved for baby #2.
Sad sad truths! Haha Thanks for the laugh!
Anything for you, Jules!
There are a few kids here named Usnavy (pronounce oos-nah-vee). Their parents saw the U.S. Navy ships on the Guatemalan shores just a little too long it gave them baby names ideas.
How pretty. Well, at least they LIKE the US Navy ships….
My kids always laugh about Gwyneth’s Apple. I guess since we’ve made such a mess of our finances, at least I can hold over their heads that we didn’t name them something stupid. 🙂
Imagine naming your kid Collection Agency or Shutoff Notice. 😉