We’re kicking off our live Kansas City show with a fantastic hometown story on how one guy went from small time jobs to BIG time pre- and post-game shows for Kansas City Royals television broadcasts. You heard his podcast recently on our feed (as he interviewed Bob Kendrick for his Rounding The Bases podcast), and now you get to hear HIS story. Not only will he talk about chasing his dream career, but also how he’s thinking critically now about “what’s next.” With off-season time and his speaking ability, how does he round out his career to be even more fulfilling and to give more to the world that only he can uniquely offer. We’ll talk to Joel about all of that and more on today’s LIVE show from Kansas City!
Plus, just like at our live show in Orlando, we’re bringing the party with a cast of additional special guests. First, our TIAA difference maker making an impact in her community, we’ll talk to Kathleen Webb from Children First CEO Kansas. She’ll describe how she decided when her neighbor needed help, to pitch in and do what many will call WAY more than her fair share. Plus, in a our headlines segment, Tracie Fobes, from Penny Pinchin Mom joins us on stage to talk about all the interesting things going on around Kansas City. If you’ve never visited, consider this Tracie your tour guide! Plus, we’ll talk to Fountain City Fintech’s Zach Pettet, who reveals a few of the interesting FinTech apps and ideas coming out of Kansas City. And helping us answer your questions, we welcome from LaceyLangford.com… Lacey Langford, and from SteveStewart.com, you guessed, Steve Stewart.
PLUS, ever think about taking your unique talent and making it your full time job? Our Kansas City guest announcer Carrie Olsen not only will fight Doug for his job, but she’ll also share her story about founding CarrieOlsenVO.com and becoming a voiceover artist working with major brands!
We’re also excited that in every city we had a Stacking Benjamins band! Our rockstar band in Kansas City? It’s none other than guitar prodigy extraordinaire (plus son of Tracie Fobes)…Garret Fobes.
…and of course, we were joined on stage by our guest co-host, the co-founder of Blooom, Chris Costello.
It’s a really fun episode in front of a lively crowd who braved some pretty bad weather conditions.
Thanks to Blooom for supporting Stacking Benjamins and our tour. Get a one month free at stackingbenjamins.com/blooom and enter promo code SB for a month free!
Thanks to TIAA for supporting Stacking Benjamins and our tour. Find out what type of difference maker you are at TIAA Difference Maker 100.
Show Notes:
<> Our Live Show Sponsors
Thanks to Blooom for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Get a one month free at stackingbenjamins.com/blooomand enter promo code SB for a month free!
Check out Blooom
Check out TIAA Difference Maker 100
<>Guest Co-host
Chris Costello
Find more on Blooom at: StackingBenjamins.com/Blooom
<> Headlines
Tracie Fobes
Find more from Tracie at: PennyPinchinMom.com
Follow Tracie on Twitter: @PennyPinchinMom
Zach Pettet
Find out more about the Fintech accelerator: FountainCityFintech.com
Follow Zack at: @zachpettet
<> Joel Goldberg
Check out Joel’s podcast: JoelGoldbergMedia.com
Follow Joel on Twitter: @goldbergkc
<> Doug’s Trivia
- How many publicly operated fountains are in Kansas City?
<> TIAA Difference Maker 100: Children First CEO Kansas
Want to learn more? Visit: ChildrenFirstCEOKansas.org
<> Live Show Contributors
Lacey Langford
Check out Lacey’s blog: LaceyLangford.com
Give a shout-out to Lacey on Twitter: @FinanceLacey
Steve Stewart
Looking for more from Steve? Check out his site: SteveStewart.me
Follow Steve on Twitter: @SteveStewartMe
Carrie Olsen
Check out Carrie’s voiceover work: CarrieOlsenVO.com
Follow Carrie on Twitter: @CarrieOlsenVO
Garret Fobes
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
Join us Friday!
We’re finishing up this 3-town tour the right way… in Detroit! With another great round of guests, a show full of laughs, and a few more surprises, this is one finale that you’ll not want to miss.
[…] last time we talked to Zach was when he was on stage on behalf of Fountain City Fintech during our Stacking Benjamins Live Tour. Today, Zach has his own podcast examining the world of fintech: For Fintech’s Sake. During […]