As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to increase your bottom line and invest in your business, and boost the amount of business you’re getting by way of marketing and word-of-mouth. If something is relevant to furthering either (or both), it’s of interest.
That something could be video. We already know that using video in advertising and marketing is crucial to building a visual brand identity in your audience – you want your clients to be able to recognize you via all of the senses, most especially sound and sight. Diode Digital found that video is up to 600% more effective, and because of that, video is the basic standard for marketing today – but you can take a step further to wow your competitors, and bring your service to even more potential customers. Live broadcasted video.
By supplementing, or replacing many of your marketing or basic business functions with live video streaming and broadcasts, you can both reduce cost for your business in big, big ways, and build a larger client base in a more effective manner. Here’s why:
Save Money on Travel Costs
The first thing you save money on when you supplement your seminars and events with live broadcasting is travel money, both on your end and on your client’s end. If you provide a coaching or consulting service, then broadcasting video to your clients is the absolute perfect way to get a larger attendance rate and save extreme expenses.
Imagine sitting on a beach in Costa Rica, with a laptop on your lap, explaining the gist of your latest book and lecturing on one of the fundamental lessons of being a successful entrepreneur while hundreds of listeners are sitting on the other end of the screen, in suits and shirts, in offices and homes, getting the exact same knowledge as they would in a large-scale seminar only without having to pay as much.
Is it starting to come together for you?
Save Money on Location Expenses and Rent
If you have any experience being in seminars, you know that it isn’t cheap. Especially when you’re hosting the seminar, or are playing a key role as a speaker and educator. If you’ve never done it, but are planning to, you’re even luckier.
By replacing the physical location of a conference hall with the virtual location of a live broadcast, you’re making the most of your time and money while not skimping on the quality of service you’re presenting to your clients. Yes, the package of your message matters – but you can make the venue of your video just as inspiring and entertaining as the inside of a stuffy convention hall, and seriously, who cares about doing a seminar on-stage when you could be explaining your latest product or talking about your newest project on a porch in Italy as the sun sets in the background?
If you’re building a formal image with your clients, then broadcasting is still a great solution. By having a broadcasted seminar in your own board room instead of a convention hall, you’re getting the added benefit of branding.
Bring Your Method to Customers in a More Detailed Manner
Broadcast live video through streaming methods like Blue Jeans, and you’ll know why it isn’t just about the video. Cloud-based streaming services are growing like crazy, with cloud adoption soaring these past few years, with RightScale noting that over 80% of respondents to their inquiry had adopted the cloud in some way. The cloud gives you more options for your calls, more bang for your buck – think file sharing, multimedia presentations, recorded video streaming within your live stream, and more capabilities for explaining the details of your lesson or product without having to rely on your voice, your hands, and a whiteboard marker.
People respond better to visual stimuli – that’s why video calling is so much more effective than simply calling over the phone. Over the last few years, video calling has soared according to the Pew Center, with statistics back in 2013 showing a tripling of smartphone video calling instances since 2011. Presenting catchy visual media during a broadcast, however, can help you take things up a notch. Prepare your presentation right, and you could be looking at the next big hit for your business.
Finally, Use the Benefits of Broadcasting Within Your Business
There’s more to broadcasting video than just doing it for the benefit of your clients – you can use it to talk to your employees and your business’ team, as well. If you’re an international company with several branches, or employees all over the world, then video streaming is the absolute best way to communicate with your team.
Broadcasting live video in high quality isn’t the future – it’s already here, and it’s growing fast. If you get involved early enough, you’ll bring a whole new business model to your clients – one that saves you money, and makes more at the same time.
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