David Kestenbaum and Robert Smith from Planet Money walked into a bar….I know it sounds like a joke, but they actually did….they walked into a comedy club and told really, really, really bad economist jokes. How did it go? What can we learn (except that economist jokes are so bad they’re AWESOME)? They’ll share the experience today.

In today’s headlines, investors are hoping for safety and yield at the same time…cake and eat, too? We weigh in. PK is also here with a segment about online health care. It’s the wave of the future….maybe….but does it work? He tried it out.
We also talk about Joe’s obsession with Peaky Blinders, take your letters….and lots more!
<> Open
<> MagnifyMoney.com – Head to StackingBenjamins.com/MagnifyMoney when comparing your checking, savings and credit cards. Thanks to MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast!
<>Newsreel Headlines
– Worst States for an IRS Audit (Financial Planning)
– Liquidity Restrictions Haunt Money Market Funds (Investment News)
– American Beacon Signs on for Non-Traded ETFs (FT.com)
<> David Kestenbaum & Robert Smith from Planet Money
Check out the podcast on iTunes: Planet Money
Follow David Kestenbaum on Twitter: @DKestenbaum
Follow Robert Smith on Twitter: @RadioSmith
Robert’s favorite series (mentioned on the show): What Actually Happened At The End of Trading Places?
<> PK’s Fractional Sense – Online Health Care
<> Your Letters
– Tony’s question on keeping documents
– Jason’s question on the new Schwab “robo advisor” product
<> End Show/Movies
Lots of discussions….Peaky Blinders, One Good Lie…..
Photo of Robert & David in comedy club: Jacob Goldstein/NPR
[…] Two Planet Money Guys Walk Into A Bar […]