Travel guru Lee Huffman from Bald Thoughts joins Greg and Paula (who aren’t travel slouches either….) to share travel hacks. How many of these have you already heard? I was impressed by the number of incredible tips Lee, Greg and Paula present on this show.
OG & I share headlines about more pension problems brewing and some new senior citizen scams. We also answer a letter about 401(k) problems at a listener’s company.
Joe reviews Gone Girl, Doug has trivia, and much, much more.
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<> Open
<> Headlines
<> My Dad’s Shortwave Roundtable
Lee Huffman from joins us this week
Find Paula Pant at
Find Greg McFarlane at
Tips Presented on this show:
<> Letters
Ken asks about his 401k provider changing funds too often. What should he do?
<> End Show/Movies
Gone Girl review
It was great hanging in the basement talking travel with you, Paula, and Greg. If anyone has any travel questions for me, please reach out and let me know!
Joe, I wanted to share with everyone on your blog and podcast, that I’m holding a raffle drawing for $100 Amazon gift card this month. People who subscribe to my mailing list get the most entries, with additional entries for following on Twitter and liking on Facebook and sharing with their friends.
Thanks again for this excellent opportunity to share my travel tips and tricks!
PNC Park shout out! It’s so pretty. Good taste, Joe. We have San Francisco’s park as one of our goals.
Oh, it’s just not me 🙂 It seems that your home baseball park is #1 on many of the lists I’ve seen. It’s like the bridges were put behind it afterward as props.
You’d love San Fran’s park. Go early and walk all the way around it. I love the variety of food vendors, the kids area and of course the cove with kayakers.