Your boss offers you a several thousand dollar raise, do you turn it down? Probably not! Yet, one of California’s top real estate agents says that home buyers and sellers both regularly leave thousands of dollars off the table. That’s why today we’re talking about better real estate transactions with Marin County, California’s top real estate pro, Tracy McLaughlin. She’ll share strategies from her new book, Real Estate Rescue, for staging, updating, and pricing a house so that it sells both for more money and more quickly.
We’re also diving into why financial advisors are losing faith in planning software tools. With plenty of highly-rated software on the market, should you be worried that your advisor is disregarding fintech? We’ll jump into the “why” during our headlines AND cover why so many Americans had to dip into their retirement funds during the pandemic.
Plus, could refinancing your home loan actually end up costing you more in the long run? During our Haven Life Line we’ll answer a question from Niranjan, who heard on the show that because of the way amortization tables are structured, it might not always be a good idea to refinance a mortgage. He asks us to explain this a bit more in detail, and of course, Joe and OG oblige. During the segment, we’ll explain financing, interest rates, amortization tables, and more.
We’ll also carve out some time for some of Doug (who seems to be acting a little suspicious today… more on that later) and his trivia.
Show Notes:
- Tech Survey 2020: Advisors losing faith in planning software (Financial-Planning)
- Half of Americans took from retirement savings or plan to amid pandemic, survey finds (Yahoo)
Tracy McLaughlin
A big thanks to Tracy for appearing on the show today! You can find more from Tracy at her site:
Want to follow Tracy on social media? You can follow her different accounts here: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Looking to get the most of your home’s value? You can get more of Tracy’s insider tips here:
Doug’s Trivia
- What branch of the United States Intelligence Community, known as the IC, has the largest budget?
Haven Life Line
- Niranjan calls in asking for some pointers on home loans. He heard that it could be a good time ecause of the way Amortization tables structured. Can we explain this?
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
Join Us Wednesday
When’s the last time you give your financials a well rounded checkup? On Wednesday we’ll dive into 15 ways you could be messing up your 401k.
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