Here at Stacking Benjamins we have a mantra. Once we figure out what we did with it, we’ll be sure and relay it to you. I’m sure it’s full of important wisdom.
So, in the absence of the mantra, today we’re going to bring you stuff. By stuff, we mean a stack of stuff….that other people wrote about.
Initially, we’re going to bring this to you like a banshee, or a like a howling monkey (you pick), every Friday. I wouldn’t expect it to go on every Friday forever, but while some relationships are forever, let’s just let ours be week-by-week. Cool? If we take it slow, maybe good things will happen.
Here is THE STACK for Friday, June 14th
The top of the stack this week goes to A. Blinkin at Fat Free Personal Finance. His post, Stop Comparing Your Rent Payment to a Mortgage Payment, should be on billboards everywhere.
…next up is an interesting read from Jacob at the Cash Cow Couple about the cost of addiction. It turns out that not only do YOU have a hangover, but your wallet does, too!
Speaking of habits, new-to-me blogger Matt at Mom and Dad Money compares a coffee habit to a debt habit. I’ve read Matt’s stuff for just over a week and I already feel like we’re brothers. Great read.
Untemplater has always been one of my favorite blogs and this week Sam tackles the topic of renters and rent increases. As a landlord, I’m fascinated by good reads about property values, taxes and rental income.
JT at The College Investor tackles gold, and whether you should own some (the Cliff’s Notes: “No”). I love it when a gold-lover gets going at a party. It’s always about this time that I have to work really, really hard to avoid rolling my eyes.
This week it’s a short stack….with the launch I’ve been uber-busy and not able to make the rounds…I promise I’ll do better next week!
Big Huge Thank You’s
This may run a little long.
So, getting this site up and running has been a monster challenge, and there have been a host of people who’ve helped.
My goal for the podcast was to reach the “New and Noteworthy” page of iTunes in the business section. We ran as high as #3 on this list, made the list for iTunes overall, were #1 on the investing podcast list, and even scored #18 on the business Top Podcasts list, one place ahead of some dude named Jim Cramer. Lately we’ve settled safely into the top 100 podcasts (usually around #50), which alone is something I could dreamed would happen.
Thanks first to everyone who listened. I don’t care about the stats….I love the emails and tweets I get from listeners. I love the fact that you’re liking our work.
Thanks to Shannon from The Heavy Purse for saying “Sure, I’ll be the guinea pig on your new, unproven podcast. That sounds awesome. Let’s do it!”
Thanks to Len Penzo (A Fun Interview With Stacking Benjamins’ Host Joe Saul-Sehy) and Kathleen from Frugal Portland (Get To Know Another Blogger: Joe, Stacking Benjamins) for running hilarious profile pieces. They make me sound nearly intelligent.
Thank you to Sam at Yakezie for letting me run a guest post (Want to Podcast? Learn From My Mistakes!), as did Todd and John at Fearless Men (9 Great Podcasts for Men) and Carrie at Investor Junkie (Are Online Ventures the New Secret to Wealth?).
Thanks to PK at for running a piece our launch day (The Stacking Benjamins Podcast) and for being on the show. It’s incredible what a great team I get to work with each week on Stacking Benjamins. On that note, thanks to my other contributors launch week: Dominique Brown at Your Finances Simplified, Len Penzo, and Kathryn the Makin’ Sense Babe.
Thank you to all the bloggers who took the time to write a piece to help out a 0 PR site with zero readers. There was obviously no great link love in it for you. I appreciate all of your help. You all made the launch go like clockwork.
Thank you to Holly and Greg at Club Thrifty for allowing me to guest post launch day (An Anchor, a Stripper,and a Goat-Hair Collector: The World From Different Points of View).
Thanks to Barbara Friedberg for the profile piece (Personal Finance Luminary Series: Joe Saul-Sehy of Stacking Benjamins). It was a really fun interview.
Thanks to Lance at Money Life and More for letting me guest post Thursday. I thought it was really fun to spin my high school and college days of playing wedding disc jockey into an article. (Add More Fun! Increase Your Wedding Entertainment ROI)
Finally, thanks to Ellen at Get Rich Slowly for allowing me to guest post there (No Discipline and Can’t Save? No Problem!). That was the icing on this whole big piece of cake.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
…and hey, dad (and all the other dads out there), Happy Father’s Day!
Glad I could help in a small way 🙂
You kidding me? I got to write about my disc jockey days! That was a fun post to write.
Thanks for the shout out! Definitely an awesome launch week. Great work. Looking forward to see what’s in store.
First off, thanks for the link Joe. Second off, what a huge week for you! Congrats, it’s all well deserved. Have a great weekend!
You too, Jacob. I’m looking forward to 5 pm very, very much….
You did have a busy week sir! I was starting to think you were going to take over the internet. 😉 Like Jacob said, it was all well deserved.
That was my goal! I have to say that I’m very happy with how it went…and I’m happier that it’s over. Thanks for all the help, John.
I was your first? You’re going to make me tear up, DJ! 😉
Wow you were all over the place. Awesome! 🙂
Amazeballs. Seriously, nice work on the great podcast numbers you’ve been putting up.
Congratulations on the launch of the new site Joe! Great job with the promotion as well!
I’m sure you won’t be at 0 PR for very long. Great launch!
Awesome stuff. I’m so happy you made it ahead of Jim Cramer. Since you decided to highlight my article as “top of the stack” (blushing), I’m using the transitive property to tell people that I’m more popular than Jim Cramer.
Well done on the launch and I was very happy to write the little piece – for you I am ready to do so much more 🙂
Happy to help! Thanks so much for guest posting!!!