Lydia Fenet has a job where she commands attention for a living. As lead benefit auctioneer at Christie’s auction house, she has to quickly and effectively command a room. Today she’ll show YOU how to sell your abilities to any group. We’ll discuss how she broke into auctioneering, which is a tale of persistence, grit, and selling. Then we’ll discuss her first auctions, and when she finally found success. While mirroring success helped her first begin the process of working as an auctioneer, it was something altogether different that finally separated her from the pack. Not only that, we’ll talk about negotiations, demanding what you’re worth, becoming the most powerful person in the room, and more.
Plus, what do you have in common with professional athletes? It turns out that during this crisis you may have a TON in common with them. Namely, some of the questions they’re asking currently about their money sound awfully familiar. We’ll cover which questions those might be. AND, we’ll also uncover yet another benefit of the relief package, more help with student loans. Sadly, this particular help isn’t widely known, but we’re helping to get the word out on today’s show.
Of course, we’ll also throw out the Haven Life line AND share some of Doug’s after-Easter trivia. Stay safe, everyone!
Show Notes:
<3:58> Headlines
- A wealth manager to star athletes is hearing more now from clients – ‘Are we good? Are we prepared?’ (Yahoo)
- Cares Act student-loan relief has few takers (Investment News)
<14:59> Lydia Fenet

You can find more from Lydia at her site:
Excited about Lydia’s book? Get your hands on a copy by ordering here: The Most Powerful Woman in the Room
<42:45> Doug’s Trivia
- Which Easter Candy is the most disliked?
<51:15> Haven Life Line
- Stefan and his spouse wants to use the market downturn to max out their Roth IRA accounts. They already have their emergency fund, and are set otherwise. Thoughts?
Want the guys to answer your question? You can call into the Haven Life Line and get your question answered on-air HERE.
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