It’s been a mind-bindingly busy week again here at Stacking Benjamins headquarters (aka Mom’s basement). OG and I are recording next week’s latest and greatest episodes this afternoon. PK is practicing his lines for his big part Wednesday. Doug keeps running downstairs to get more motor oil for mom’s Harley. Trucks drop off new, exciting sound clips for this next eight-week stretch. I love the hum of activity.
We’ve tried very hard to improve not only the number of articles on the site, but how fun they are, as well. We’re averaging between eight and nine separate pieces a week at Stacking Benjamins, and our plan is to raise that number even higher, as long as it’s helpful, relevant, or hilarious. We know that hilarity is in the eye of the beholder, so before we do anything we ask mom’s bridge club to take a look. If they love it, well, then it never makes it out of the basement. They have horrible taste. But if they groan?. Sure winner.
Here’s stuff we wish we’d written:
Mel’s posts at brokeGIRLrich nearly always have a little slice of humor baked into an otherwise serious post. No exception this week with Hotels: Getting the Biggest Bang For Your Buck. I nearly lost my coffee on: “Of course, there’s comfortable, and then there’s… pretty much peeing in your bedroom while your roommate watches TV.”
Paula is talks passive income strategies at Afford Anything. I was sad that “open a donut stand” didn’t make the cut, but I realize space is limited in these articles.
Loved the PoP’s takeaways from the 2015 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.
…and some quirky stuff we found interesting (not all related to finance):
An interesting read on the Psychological Benefits of Writing. As a writer, I tend to think it’s awesome. Now I have more proof.
I love baseball, the book Moneyball, and better business practices. Maybe that’s why How to Use Moneyball at the Office To Build Great Teams spoke to me.
On companies….here’s a personal story about how one man became his company’s best employee.
Thanks for the link love, Joe! And unless someone’s been stung by a jellyfish, I don’t really want to pee that close to anyone. Not really even then. ;o)