Dan Macklin from student loan lender SoFi joins us in the basement to talk meltdowns. New data out recently shows that more students are in danger of defaulting on their loans than ever before (maybe as many as 23 percent of all loans currently in repayment!). Does this mean there’s trouble around the corner similar to the housing crisis? What can be done?
Joe & Dan discuss possible government options AND what borrowers can do to try and stay current on their loans (or avoid them in the first place!).
Joe & OG share headlines about gold AND about a stop-loss train wreck. Suzanne Lucas, the Evil HR Lady, is back to talk about the upcoming holiday weekend in the USA and why you shouldn’t use it as an opportunity to play “catch up” with work.
We answer your letter about parent loans for college AND share a listener review of theme park Holiday World. Is it as good as recent guest Robert Niles stated? Listener Scott shares his thoughts.
Of course, we have trivia, a television show review, and much more!
Thanks to MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast.
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<> Headlines
<> Dan Macklin: Student Loan Meltdown Coming?
Follow Dan on Twitter: @MacklinDan
Dan’s Firm: SoFi
<> Evil HR Lady
<> Your Letters
<> End Show/Movies/TV
Joe reviews the show Curb Your Enthusiasm
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