When college looked unaffordable for Jocelyn Paonita, she sprang into action and raised over $120,000 in scholarships. How did she score so much money? What was her system? We’ll discuss all of that on today’s show. Whether you have a child headed to college, in school, in college yourself, or just looking for a story about someone taking massive action to solve their problem.
We’ll also throw out the Haven Life Line to Trey. He’s buying a house and is worried about the recent credit hack. Should he freeze his credit, only to open it again nearly immediately? Plus we’ll answer a letter from Michelle, who wonders how to set and prioritize goals.
Special thanks to M1Finance and Big Picture Retirement podcast for sponsoring our show! We couldn’t do any of this without the support of these awesome companies.
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Show Notes:
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Big Picture Retirement podcast
When you’re done messing around with us in the basement, why not listen to a podcast where two experts dig in on the biggest retirement issues you’ll face? Devin Carroll and John Ross together have lots of fun and share insights you’ll need to better plan your retirement dreams.
Check out Big Picture Retirement
<5:18> Headlines
- Housing Bubble Risk Grows in Major Cities Globally (UBS.com)
- Convincing clients to let go of huge holdings (Financial Planning)
<15:56> Jocelyn Paonita
Did you come in search of scholarships? Search no more: ScholarshipSystem.com
<33:48>Doug’s Trivia
- What athletic event is the 4th most often awarded, after football, soccer, and basketball?
<38:43> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use StackingBenjamins.com/HavenLife to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Should Trey freeze his credit even though he’s about to buy a house?
<44:56> Letters From the Mailbag
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
- Michelle wonders how to set and prioritize goals.
<> Join us Wednesday
Ever wonder how life insurance is priced? Matt Wolf, actuary from Haven Life joins us!
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