Shark Tank regular Kevin Leary recently told CNBC that real estate is a “crappy” investment right now and recommends that people avoid buying a home and…..ready?……rent.
Well, that seemed too controversial to leave alone so this week we pose that question (along with two others) to our roundtable of Paula and Len. You’ll hear their interesting takes on that sound bite.
Joe & OG discuss Roth 401k plans. Why aren’t people signing up? Also we take a reader question for Wesley, who asks, among other things, if we had one stock we could buy right now, what would it be. One of us wimps out on answering….guess who?
But that isn’t all. We have trivia, an older movie review and much more.
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<> Open
< 2:19 >
< 3:19 > Headlines
“According to vanguard, adoption and usage of 401K plans have been tepid at best,” –
< 6:15 > Roundtable
51% of Americans want under $100,000
“You start hitting diminishing returns,” Paula Pant
“The real question is ‘what is the minimum amount of take-home pay you can give to your creditors and still be happy.” Len Penzo
Is real estate a “crappy” investment?
“Housing is going to be a crappy investment” – Kevin O’Leary, CNBC’s Shark Tank
“Don’t look at a house as an investment if it’s your first home.” – Len
“Is that Star Trek or Star Wars?” – Paula
“Buying moon boots is going to be bad because one day they’ll go out of style.” – Joe
< 30:50 > Reader Mail
< 40:21 > End/Movies
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