The Fintern is finishing out our rewind week with one of our old school roundtable favorites: we’re talking about lies about retirement. You can read the original show notes below:
On today’s podcast we’re talking about lying. A recent news piece reports that there are nine lies we’re told about retirement planning. We’ll break them down with Greg, Paula, and special guest Rich Jones from the hit podcast Paychecks and Balances.
We won’t stop there, thought. We’ll also discuss a recent question to the Moneyologist at MarketWatch. If you had two kids and one was irresponsible, would you disown him? We ask our roundtable that very question and come up with some interesting estate planning themes you may want to address in your own planning.
On the Freshbooks FinTech segment we talk to Michael Asare from Fee Belly. Ever feel like the fine print in a contract is completely against you? Fee Belly was designed to show you ALL of the fine print by highlighting it so you can easily see where contracts might not be in your favor. We’ll ask him how it works on today’s podcast.
You can read our original show notes below:
To what degree is not having money a mindset? We ask our panel, including guest Whitney Hanson from the Money Nerds podcast Of course, we don’t stop there. We also tackle a recent piece about tricking yourself into getting money saved. How do you save more? Play a game of hide and seek…. Finally, we tell some money stories, and as always, they team comes up with some great ones.
In our Friday FinTech segment, Justin Howell, CEO of Rize, a cool goal-setting and savings app, joins us to talk about two HUGE add ons to their app that’ll help you make saving more money a breeze. He’ll also give away some CASH to people who sign up, because you listened to the show…. See? We even MAKE you money when you listen today.
Thanks to and for sponsoring our show, and thanks also to everyone who’s visited using our link!
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Show Notes:
<> Open
Compare checking, savings, credit cards, and loans before switching. Magnify Money makes it super easy to compare, switch and save.
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<>Today’s Roundtable Contributors/Our Topics
Whitney Hanson
Check out Whitney’s site:
Do yourself a favor and make an E-friend: @whitneyhansenco
Len Penzo
Check out Len’s site:
Follow Len on Twitter: @LenPenzo
Greg McFarlane
Check out Greg’s site at:
Order Greg’s book (and help the show):
Our Topics
- The Problem With Saying “I’m Broke” (Man Repeller)
- When You Get Money, Get Rid of It (brokeGIRLrich)
- Lost High School Ring ‘Keeps Coming Back’ to Florida Woman Nearly 40 Years After Graduation (NBCDFW)
<> Friday FinTech Segment: Rize
Justin Howell, CEO of Rize
You may recognize Justin and his intuitive savings company “Rize” from our time we spent with him back in March. Well, we liked him so much we just had to have him on a second time.
Lucky for you, the affection goes both ways. Sign up for Rize using our special basement-approved link, and Justin will gift you $10 to kick-start your first savings goal:
How cool is that?
<> Join Us Monday
And just like that, another 8 weeks is behind us. Tune in next week to catch a few of our favorite episodes from over the years. Who doesn’t love to hear Doug’s jokes twice?
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