Recently there have been LOTS of headlines about FIRE. Good? Bad? Ugly? We invited David Bach down to the basement to ostensibly ask him about the 20th anniversary edition of his Smart Women Finish Rich book. While we cover that in detail, we also asked him about HIS thoughts on the FIRE movement….and let’s just say that he was more than happy to share.
In our headlines segment it’s time for tax loss harvesting and year end tax planning. What should you do? An Investment News piece details a few strategies and we’ll talk about our favorites (and maybe not-so-favorites) on today’s podcast.
Of course, that’s not all. We’ll throw out the Haven Life line to Carter, who wants a little help working on his retirement projections. How should he account for inflation 15 to 20 years down the road? Next, we’re answering a letter from Andy, who now works for the federal government. Should he rollover his other retirement accounts into the TSP?
And don’t worry… we’ll still take some time for Doug’s trivia.
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Show Notes:
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<4:01> Headlines
- 6 tax strategies for year-end planning (Investment News)
- The Trouble with Joint Bank Accounts ‘Just in Case’ (Kiplinger)
<11:47> David Bach
Want more from David? Visit his site:
Follow David on Twitter: @AuthorDavidBach
Get your hands on Smart Women Finish Rich (AND help out the show) by getting David’s book through our independent bookseller, Powell’s: Smart Women Finish Rich Expanded & Updated
<41:18> Doug’s Trivia
- Which Ozzy Osbourne album had the best debut according to Billboard Magazine?
<49:22> Haven Life Line
- Carter is working on his retirement projections. How should Carter account for inflation 15-20 years down the road?
<54:14> Letters
- Andy is now working in the federal government. Should he rollover his 3 retirement/403b accounts (from previous jobs) into the TSP? If Andy leaves federal employment should he take his money out of the TSP?
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG:
Hi there,
I was wondering if you specifically had a podcast talking about…FIRE health insurance 101 options and what you do once you achieved FIRE.
An in depth discussion would be great navigating through option A, B, or C. Thanks so much for everything!!