In this tumultuous market, how certain are you about your investment strategy? Larry Swedroe joins us today to talk retirement planning, but especially to talk about weathering the storm of risk and uncertainty in this market. We’ll talk about what’s normal for the market, why so many people fail, how an all-stock portfolio might or might not work for you, and more.
Plus, in our headlines segment, lots of people moved their money to treasures to start 2019. Could this foreshadow upcoming negative market conditions this year? We’ll share our feelings on today’s podcast. Plus, one major publication piece shares how much money you should have in stocks at every age. Is this good advice, or could it be guiding people down the wrong path? We’ll talk about appropriate investment advice for people who are far from retirement, middle aged, and nearing or in their retirement years.
Later on we’ll throw out the Haven Life Line to Joseph and his wife. They’re looking to get a home loan but don’t really like their options. Could raising their credit score open up better choices for them? We’re also answering a letter from Matt, who wants to know more about his 401k options: Roth, traditional, and after-tax. He’s also using part of his 401k at a quasi-emergency fund. Is he setting himself up for failure?
And don’t worry… we’ll still take some time for Doug’s trivia.
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Show Notes:
<> Open
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Thanks to Slack for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Slack: Where work happens. Go to to learn more.
<> Headlines
<> Larry Swedroe
Follow Larry on Twitter: @larryswedroe
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<> Doug’s Trivia
- What professional sports team, founded in 1926, played 9 games in 1959 in the Soviet Union for the equivalent of $4,000 per game, played to 75,000 at Berlin’s olympic stadium in 1951, and has made over $11M in charitable contributions over the life of the team?
<> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Joseph and his wife are looking to get a home loan. They didn’t really like their options. How should they go about applying for a better loan? Would a raised credit score help?
<> Letters
- Matt’s 401k has the three options: Roth, traditional, and after-tax. Matt has 5% of his 401k designated in a traditional, and 5% in after tax. He uses this as a quasi emergency fund. Does this count toward his maximum contributions? Is this a bad idea?
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I love Matt’s question! I’m just glad OG didn’t chew me up and spit me out!