Should you hire an advisor who advertises a ton? …one who has a “one sized fits all” strategy or one who individually creates every strategy? Our answer to this listener question might surprise you. We’ll share ideas on how to dig for a good advisor and who to avoid.
Of course, there’s more: A woman puts down just over $1,000 on a home worth nearly $200k. Another woman sues her parents for not paying her college tuition. Is it the end of the world? Hopefully not…. Len and Paula discuss the tiny down payment while Joe & OG tackle the lawsuit.
Doug has trivia, OG reviews the new film Foxcatcher, and much more!
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<> – Use our link to compare your savings, checking and credit cards with industry leaders. You may find enough to make next year’s Roth IRA contribution by switching to better financial tools!
<> Headlines
4 Things Investors Should Do In December (Forbes)
21-Year Old Sues Parents for College tuition – and Wins (Yahoo! Parenting)
<> My Dad’s Shortwave Roundtable
Woman Buys a Home With Little Down
The 1 Financial Decision Millennials Are Getting Wrong (Motley Fool)
The Best Way To Double Your Money in 10 Years (CNNMoney)
Our Contributors:
Len Penzo: find Len at, or his home site, Len Penzo dot Com
Paula Pant: she writes nearly everywhere, but you can always find her at AffordAnything
<> Letters
<> End Show/Movies
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