What’s better than a 401k? How about a low cost 401k plan with exchange traded funds? Michael Beck, Executive VP at Dallas-based Gerald L Ray & Associates, joins us in the basement to talk 401k plans, exchange traded funds, how they made it low cost AND how it’ll affect your financial plan.
What you’ll learn on today’s show:
– How fees work inside 401k plans
– What you should ask YOUR 401k plan administrators
– How 401k plans have FINALLY integrated exchange traded funds without burying participants in transaction fees.
Thanks to SoFi and MagnifyMoney for sponsoring our podcast!
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<> SoFi – Use StackingBenjamins.com/SoFi to refinance your student loans or to eliminate your credit card debt with a personal loan or even to take out or refinance your mortgage. You’ll be amazed by the rates, flexibility and service that SoFi provides.
<> MagnifyMoney.com – Head to StackingBenjamins.com/MagnifyMoney to compare your checking, savings and credit cards. Ditch the bad, switch to the best….and save! Thanks to the MagnifyMoney team for sponsoring our show.
<> Michael Beck: Making 401k Plans Better
Direct line for Michael: (214) 954-1905
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