What’s more important, money or time? While that answer is up for debate, one thing isn’t: better time management will lead to making more money. So, how do you maximize your money AND your time? Helping us answer that question is money coach extraordinaire, Dorethia Kelly. Also joining the conversation today is basement regular, Len Penzo. And rounding out the crew today, from our very own podcast, is OG.
After we tackle time management, we’ll be getting some big news from the life insurance front during our FinTech segment. How about some life insurance services that you can benefit from while you’re still… alive? We’re talking to long-time basement friend and CEO of Haven Life, Yaron Ben-Zvi, about some big changes coming to the company.
Still want more? We’ll make time to answer Doug’s trivia AND a voicemail. Once you have your financial house in order, what should you do with your extra savings? We’ll answer Dan’s question right after we figure out what Doug’s trivia.
Thanks to Away for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to Awaytravel.com/sb and use the promo code sb to score $20 off your next suitcase!
Thanks also to Nutrafol. Get your first month supply with a subscription plan for $10 nutrafol.com and promo code SB
Show Notes:
<> Open
Thanks to Away for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to Awaytravel.com/sb and use the promo code sb to get $20 off a suitcase!
Check out Away
Thanks to Nutrafol for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Get your first month supply with a subscription plan for $10 nutrafol.com and promo code SB
<5:21> Headlines
- Time or money: Which is more important? (InvestmentNews)
<> Our Contributors
Dorethia Kelly
Check out Dorethia’s site: DorethiaKelly.com
Do you need some more financial help from OG outside of the show? Follow our link, StackingBenjamins.com/OG to get some one-on-one help from the man himself.
<21:10> Haven Life
- Looking for more from Haven Life? Check them out using our link (it’ll let them know we sent you!): Haven Life
<33:10> Doug’s Trivia
- Which year was graphite (usually referred to as “lead” when speaking about writing utensils), first used inside of pencils?
<42:00> Stacker Voicemail
Looking for MORE Stacking Benjamins? Subscribe to our newsletter at Stackingbenjamins.com/Stacker
- Dan and his wife want to know what they should do with their extra money. Should they put it towards one of their taxable accounts, or put the extra cash towards their mortgage?
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG: StackingBenjamins.com/OG
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