Do you have what it takes to be a wealthy heiress (or heir)? Our friend Linda P. Jones says that you already have the ingredients…now you just need to dive in and show your prowess. She’ll take you through the steps to claim your wealth, and we’ll talk about investing based on cycles and momentum on today’s show.
Plus, in our headlines segment, a new study shows that financial pros want the best of all worlds…active management with passive-like fees. Is that a pipe dream or is it really on the horizon? We’ll mull it over. Plus, banks are protecting themselves with some additional language you should put on your checks if using mobile deposit. What are the words? Will it also protect you? We’ll share everything on today’s show.
Of course, that’s not all. We’ll also throw out the Haven Life line, answer a letter from the mail bag, and more!
Thanks to Warby Parker for supporting Stacking Benjamins.  Order your FREE Home Try-On’s at
Thanks to Away for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to and use the promo code sb to get $20 off a suitcase!
Show Notes:
<> OpenÂ
Warby Parker
Thanks to Warby Parker for supporting Stacking Benjamins.  Order your FREE Home Try-On’s at
Thanks to Away for supporting Stacking Benjamins. Go to and use the promo code sb to get $20 off a suitcase!
Check out Away
<> Headlines
- New AB Study Finds Financial Professionals Want the Best of Both Worlds: Active Management With Passive-Like Fees (Yahoo)
- If you deposit checks through a mobile app, start adding this phrase (USA Today)
<> Linda P Jones
Check out Linda’s site at:Â
<> Doug’s Trivia
- What was the name of the first transcontinental highway?
<> Haven Life Line
Need life insurance? You could be insured in 20 minutes or less and build your family’s safety net for the future. Use to calculate how much you need and apply.
- Michael wants to know if refinancing on his home loan makes financial sense.
<> Letters
- Mike wants to know if he should open a SEP-IRA for his wife.
Need help with your financial plan? Use this link to schedule a meeting with OG:Â
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